April 22, 2010

Today is My day, not yours. Sounds funny to you, but it’s true. As Mine your day is Mine. You live and move and have your being in Me, not the other way around. Do you see the difference? This is a huge mind shift for most of you out there who think it is all about your schedule, your planner, your work, your thoughts, your creations, your programs, your hopes, yours dreams, your, your, your! Yes! I call you this day to a new way with Me. It will no longer be about you and never has been. I call Mine to dump all that is SELF connected and come live with Me. I need all the help I can get from My children right now. My sons and daughters are being called out to Myself and there is nothing that is going to stop them with Me. I AM God and the Creator of all things. Are you with Me? This is it. Things are quickly happening in the earth and there is not much time even from your perspective though Our’s here is miniscule at best. Time is short and so many still need Me, the real ME. The untainted true picture of Me. I AM ripping off lies and deceit from many minds right now My self. I AM doing it through sleep and times of quiet and in some cases through great trials to get them awake to My presence and the need of their help right now in My Kingdom efforts coming forth in the earth. So be still and quiet and listen to Me. Hear My commands and do them quickly without regret, remorse or even looking back to see what’s left behind. There’s no time but forward movement must advance right now at a high rate of speed in My Spirit’s direction. Listen carefully. Not to your own thoughts and spins on things, but to Mine; which may astound and confound you at first, but you will get it as I direct you.
All is well. Come and find your SELF in Me. What seems dead will be alive in Me. Self must be burried so that I can live in and through you. As you come, you find a life you never dreamed existed in Me. I AM Abundant life. Come and be blessed and refreshed in Me. I have you secured into My SELF and all is well this day. Come. Join Me. All of Heaven is rejoicing and excited at what is about to happen. BELIEVE! ME! TODAY!

Categories: Uncategorized.


April 20, 2010

YOU! Yes You! I see you right now where you are. I never take My eyes off of You, ever! I Am your Father and Lord and King and there is nothing more important to Me than you. Yes You! Sounds strange to you in a world that is cold and lifeless at times all around you, surrounding you with signs of decay. HOWEVER! I AM GOD and have won a victory you cannot see as yet. All will be well and is well though not fully manifested yet to your sight in the earth. Come and see with eyes from Me and you will know things coming from Me to you and others there, for much will be accomplished yet before My great return to earth. Time has not been long as some think, but actually short from My viewpoint. So come and believe and enjoy Me this day. Get reacquainted with Me daily. Grow closer still and be comforted and supported in Me daily with things you need to know as I know. I will do it. I have promised you. You can trust Me completely in all things and you need not be afraid of Me ever. I keep you and guide you and lead you. If you have not known Me as your own Lord, come close and seek Me. I will be found. My desire is to live in you and dwell with you and you with Me. I have cleared the way and made all things new for you this day and all others. All you need do is believe that I AM who I say I AM. I Am the One and Only true God and Lord of All Creation. King of Kings and Creator of all things. I have dominioin and authority over all things including you and yours. Yes. My love supports and sustains your very life and and existence here and forever. Trust Me completely. YOU are MINE and I love you. There is nothing between us but you. Make the distance 0. I desire intimacy, relationship. The love you have sought to fill your soul is Me. It is a God shaped hole that nothing else will fill but Me. I AM Jesus! Come! You are My life and I desire you for Myself. I promise YOU abundant life. I designed you and made you and know what is best for you. There are things inside you that you have not even discovered as yet, but I will reveal to you in My timing. Come and be with Me work with Me in the earth. I have great plans coming forth and all will see and know and believe that I Am who I Say I AM!

Categories: Uncategorized.


April 19, 2010

Me! I call you to Me. There’s no better place to be. Do you believe ME! I Am not a man that I would lie to you, nor lead you astray, nor distract and confuse you with things not true. I do not speak in double talk. I make things clear and plain to those listening, calling out My name. Come to ME and find that I Am all you ever hoped I’d be and more. So much more than you could ever hope or dream or realize with your mind apart from ME. I do all things well. I have a plan and it is on time, not late. Wait at the gate, ready, prepared, looking, hoping, expecting Me. I do not keep you waiting unnecessarily, but We are working on your behalf and doing things you cannot see. Therefore, OUR time here supersedes your’s there. Do you hear what I AM saying to you this day. It’s not about failure or being forgotten, or left behind, or disapproval that you stand at a gate wondering where I AM.
I Am here and have never left, though you cannot always see My presence with you, I AM there, in you, yet here working. It is the Mystery of the greatness of your GOD and LORD and SAVIOR. Omniscient, All knowing–ME! Omnipotent, All power is MINE to harness as I see fit. Omnipresent, Everywhere all at the same time. With you, with them, here, there and everywhere. Complete knowledge of all things. Creator and sustainer of all things. Your mind cannot conceive of this and many have dumped it out as untrue, much to their own detriment and foolishness. It is foolish to say there is no GOD. I AM HE. I AM ME!
I call you to ME and love you beyond anything you could ever comprehend or conceive of. I AM LOVE! It all comes from Me. Anything less is not love at all but SELF’s desires and needs being fulfilled through and for another. It is mind boggling I know. That is why I feed you things in bits and pieces as you can handle them. Yes, like a cherrio to a babe who has no teeth. However, I expect Mine to become mature with the ability to eat great meat. Meals sent directly to you from My throne room where all the strategy of the grand scheme has been in place since before the worlds were made. So there is a peace and calm and knowing of all things that has not disturbed US here in the least. Do you get this? We are not disturbed, distressed, distraught, or troubled by any thing amiss. Nothing is from our vantage point here. We know everything that will happen forward and backward and all that is in between. WE KNOW! Isn’t that what you all wish. That you could know things ahead of time, or when you need to. I have promised to tell you and lead you and AM doing so for those listening and coming to ME. Come to ME. Don’t think you can live this life on your own. You must have ME. Who is man that he thinks he can do things on his own? GOD is GOD and without Him there is nothing made that was made, nor can you do anything without Him–ME!
Therefore, I AM calling My children home to ME! Some are coming here to ME to live and others are being called to ME there in the earth to hear and work with Me in these last day events that are so critical and magnificent to Father’s Grand Plan that will not be stopped or thwarted by any mere man upon the earth, nor devil or demon. I have conquered all. I have all authority over all. It will be made known and manifest in the earth soon enough. Join ME this day. My love, My Bride, My Body, My church, My Re-Presenter in the earth of truth and life, health, redemption, forgiveness, grace, mercy. All! COME TO ME! I love you!

Categories: Uncategorized.


April 18, 2010

I AM here! I AM hearing you. I know you completely. You are not hidden from My view, but ARE MY VIEW! You are the focus of My life–eternal life here and now in you and through you. Me existing in and through My children. Yes. You live and move and have your being in Me from day to day as I say. There’s nothing you can do apart from Me so why try. Lay it all down and come be with Me. I will lead you on journeys not imagined by you but planned by Father for your existence in the earth. We are here with you, orchestrating and confirming, stopping and defeating. We are more aware of you, then you of Us. We call you forth to Ourselves this day and all others. There’s nothing between Us, but you. You may block your view of Us, but nothing blocks our view of you. We are excited, thrilled and love you more than you will ever imagine or comprehend here in this realm. However, we desire you to know Us more and more. To no longer be afraid based on man’s concepts of Who We are. We will make Ourselves known to you by Holy Spirit’s teaching and speaking in your heart. You are hearing Us but have not fully realized it was so. It is! I have never stopped speaking to My children in the earth. I have never left, forsaken, or abandoned even one. Not ever. Everything’s already paid for in My blood on the cross. Nothing separates Me from you. Nothing. I Am as close as your own skin. Closer still, within. I Am the lover who sticks closer than a brother. I come and dwell within to daily commune with you and tell you things things to come. I Am prepared to teach and expand your thinking and knowledge of things in the earth if you will believe and receive what I will say this day. I declared it would be so. But few are listening and few care to come and spend time with Me. Yes the man who found the girl, was listening to Me. I knew right where she was. Why not? I Am God. The only ONE. I Am alive and well and seated on My throne in heavenly places, yet living and dwelling in you and with you by My Spirit. We love you all so much more than you could ever imagine. There’s not one we do not love. Your stuff does not separate us anymore because it’s all been covered, forgiven, redeemed, paid in full through My blood bought life price. All is well between us. Come and see. I Am here. I hear your every thought and in fact know what you will think before you do. I made you and have never ever taken My hands off of you. Do not look at what has been for you cannot comprehend. Just come to Me this day and walk hand in hand with Me in the shadow of My protection which is actually a blinding light so bright you can’t be seen unless I reveal you. Yes. I said there is much to share with you, that you do not know as yet, but that Holy Spirit would lead and teach you. He is! Just be still long enough to hear Him. It takes learning how to separate from all the world’s noise around you. It takes paying attention to us. Just like when you are in a room full of people. To hear someone you have to get close enough to hear their voice and tune in on them personally. It is no different with Us. We call you to come closer. Answer our calls as quickly as you do those of your friends and relatives there. Few are even answering. Some see that it is Me, don’t want to hear what I might say and so don’t answer. You are missing out on the abundant life I promised. Come and See! Find out that I have never lied to you and never can lie. All that I have spoken is absolute truth–I Am the Truth, the Life, the WAY! Come. I love you My child!

God Calling and Jesus Calling are books in print of daily conversations just like this one meant for all of My children to experience with Me. Another is Hinds Feet on High Places. All help you grasp and understand just what an intimate and personal relationship and fellowship I desire to have with you 24-7-365. COME! I will not hand you a stone for a request for bread. I AM YOUR FATHER, YOUR LORD, YOUR LOVE. COME!

Categories: Uncategorized.


April 15, 2010

I Am calling and no one is answering. I Am calling my children night and day, day and night and few are caring enough to pick up and hear Me. You answer your cell phones without even a thought. If it rings you are quick to answer or at least see who it is. I have been calling My own to come and hear Me and few take the time. So busy, so distressed, so tired, so weary, so frozen; wondering what in the world to do. I have the answers at all times for all things. There’s nothing I don’t know. I have said, “Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and mighty things you do not know.” However, I Am desperately calling out to you, My child, with all the love that I AM. My love is clean and pure and true. I AM LOVE. There’s nothing I can’t do for you. I AM calling and asking you to believe Me. To come to Me. To seek Me out for everything. I see your struggle and know how to help. Solving is My name. All is Mine. Nothing too hard for Me. Come. Believe. Receive all that I desire to give you, to share with you, to tell you, to astound and refresh and renew you this day. COME! I LOVE YOU. YOU ARE MINE!

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