January 16, 2019

MY WORDS are real, true, from My heart to yours and nothing in between.  I don’t have human motives blocking the way or deceiving you in any way.  What you hear and see is REAL!  ME!  I have called you to Myself more times than you can count; ignored and pushed aside.  There is no one on earth more valuable to you than ME–GOD, longing for your time and company.  To be in My presence alone, spending time with ME is the greatest thing you can do.  All other sources and resources fill you up temporarily but leave you lacking.  Even friends and spouses, children and grandchildren, parents and others cannot fill the tank of your heart because only I KNOW exactly the fuel that you personally need.  Each one of you is created individually, perfection in My sight and hands.  I continue My work on you throughout your life and never stop seeking your time and attention in order to share the process with you and help you become all that I have placed inside you, that you are not aware of yet.  The treasure of you is hidden from your view, in fact buried under the worlds debris from birth to this moment in time for sure.  I and only I AM able to cleanse, wash and bring back the REAL you in the proper moments so as not to break or crush or damage, but amaze, astound, and delight you.  There’s nothing to hard for ME.  There’s no one to far away. No one who’s done more than I can repair and restore.  Sometimes we just start fresh, a brand new start.  All a new birth for sure, but each of My children are completely unique, so they can’t possibly know what I their maker have put inside them.  When you make something, only you and your hands know what you have made and why.  Same with ME.  I AM GOD and there is no other.  No matter what men think and do there is no other god, all fakes of wood and stone.  Even men who lived and died and caused religious bunk, are just that.  It hurts My heart to see My precious ones deceived and struggling through their lives to please what isn’t there.  Do not think that just because a man or woman says it, it is so.  I have told you to come hear My voice and let Me prove to you I AM.  Many through the ages have done just that and their stories stand as TRUE.  Daniel for one changed the hearts of kings, and all of the stories are true!  Believe what you will, but be sure that it’s truth.  I AM the Truth, the Life, the Way.  There is nothing apart from ME.  I AM here and returning soon–My time not yours.  I call you to COME check ME out, BE STILL!  Shut your mouth and your ears to all other voices and sit quietly and listen for I will speak to you and you will know the truth to set you free of all the junk of mankind to the truth of GOD Alone.  I AM JESUS and I Call you to Come Hear My Voice.  Enjoy an eternal life friendship here and now with ME and come home when I AM ready for you.  I WAIT patiently 24-7 for YOU!  COME!

Categories: God's Messages, Hear, Know, Life, Love, Trust.

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September 21, 2017

You need ME, all of you, every one of you.  The feeling that comes and goes like a wave all day and you can’t pin it down, wonder why, where from, what it is, why do I feel this way for no reason that you can figure out on your own.  You were formed by MY VERY HANDS in your mother’s womb, no matter what you think or feel about that–it is TRUE!  Truth is TRUTH and your thoughts and feelings about it don’t change it!  I was asked once by Pilot what is truth!  TRUTH was standing in front of him that day and he looked away with the same strange vague feeling that you can’t identify right now.  It is because TRUTH is ME.  I AM the TRUTH and everything about ME is truth, true and therefore, all that you need at all times in the day.  You came from ME, planned long before the foundations of the earth were laid into place, I KNEW YOU–All about you and everything you would say, do, and be AND I LOVE YOU!  You were in My heart and My mind to make.  You are you!  There has never been another you, nor will there be.  Everything you see in the mirror, think in your mind–I KNOW!  I know your thoughts before you do.  I know everything that has been and ever will be part of your life.  I said to the woman, where are your accusers, all gone that day because all had stuff in their own lives that convicted them on the spot and the rocks FELL DOWN UPON THE GROUND and not one scratch on her!  I said to her and “neither do I condemn you!” and her eyes spilled tears of relief upon the ground, her fear ran down her legs and left her there with ME.  My eyes compelled her to know that she WAS LOVED AS ARE YOU!  There’s not a child of Mine ever left alone.  I AM there from life’s first start in the womb.  The breath that fills the lungs is MINE.  Life is Mine to give as GOD ALONE and no other man made artifact or god of mind has nothing to provide but lies and stuff of earth, the ground, the wood, the stone, the MOCKERY OF MAN MADE IN MY IMAGE.  THAT IS YOU!  All those that rally around things that cause their pride to swell and kill and stomp, belittle grudge, have nothing to do with ME.  Religion is a plague upon the earth that I came to eradicate from your lives.  I spoke out truth and love and grace and mercy, peace and joy.  I was GOD ALL ABLE walking here and talking with them all.  I could have just obliterated all the nonsense then, but I KNOW all there is to know, their hearts so beaten down by lies, mistrust, and SELF’s protective rage inside from birth to NOW, its true!  Each human being ever lived and those still walking, talking NOW, don’t have a clue unless with ME of what it’s all about.  That’s why you struggle, wonder why, what’s really going on.  I’ve said it all, declared it all, but no one’s listening, hearing ME.  They still seek each other out to know and talk and rehash all about the things they think they know–all foolishness to ME.  I AM HERE AND I AM GOD.  So those who choose to come and live with ME and ME with them as I have promised hear My voice and learn from day to day just who I AM and how much I love them and all of you and wait and long for all to come.  I AM your HOME, your life.  All you see is in ME.  I AM GOD and so what does that say to you.  All that is, that you admire, I AM there, rather people, places, things.  All exists because I say IT CAN!  Life and death have nothing over ME.  I AM GOD in charge of all.  I AM KING and FATHER, LORD and FRIEND.  I AM here.  I AM seated at the right hand of My Father, yet here in the earth by My Spirit living within Mine.  It is an amazing mysterious TRUTH that is true!  Those who KNOW ME, KNOW.  Seek ME out.  TRUST ME and find out for yourself that I AM ALIVE AND WELL AND HERE AMONG YOU–NEVER LEFT!  I AM GOD and therefore, you cannot fully know and understand ME for all and forever–you will be learning, discovering and that is the GREAT ADVENTURE AND GLORY OF MY NAME!  I AM–no other is! JESUS!  COME! Follow ME, be with ME, love ME.  I call you FRIEND!

Categories: God's Messages, Hear, Know, Life, Love, Trust.

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January 26, 2017

I love you and you are MINE, yes My child.  Why would it be any different if I AM GOD and I AM perfect and I AM LOVE, why would it be any different than this.  You learn from ME how to be.  I made you all.  All things exist by MY WORD only.  No man makes anything without My approval and guidance for My purposes in the earth.  Apart from ME you do nothing, fail.  I bless and I curse the evil that destroys MINE in the earth.  I AM here working on you all and in every area of your lives.  You can TRUST ME and KNOW that I do not fail.  All is well.  I spoke the truth of what would come to John in Revelation to his spirit that day on Patmos.  I do not leave you orphans.  I gave you My Spirit within you to dwell as My house within you.  No other god exists but ME.  I AM GOD alone.  It matters not what man thinks, he is the child created, not creator, GOD.  So someday all will bow to ME in adoration or in shame.  I long for all to KNOW ME, LOVE ME see how I LOVE THEM.  There’s nothing I don’t know about you and every person ever made created by MY HANDS.  Oh many think this lies and junk; are proud and want no part of ME.  BUT they don’t choose the end of things, it’s written by MY HAND.  I have determined all life spans and no one changes them.  I AM the creator and giver of life and I save and rescue too.  There’s not a hand on earth who saves without My help, design.  Most think this rot of man’s own mind, but man’s own mind can fail.  I AM the creator of the mind and ask that you seek MINE.  For I KNOW all the answers to calm your troubled souls and bring you PEACE–MYSELF.  I have you in My sights, I never look away.  I’ve watched you as you live and breathe it all comes straight from ME.  I AM Waiting here with you, hoping you’ll see that it is ME you seek in all this race you call your life.  There’s peace and joy and exponential life awaiting all who come to ME for life.  Believe that I AM HE and follow ME.  All I ask is for you to believe I LOVE YOU.  I DO!  I made you for ME.  That’s why nothing and no one fills the gaping holes inside that life creates from birth.  You are perfectly wonderfully made inside and life attacks at birth.  It was not so in the beginning.  That’s why I came to pay the price for you and all who’ve lived.  There’s no one here could rescue save from what sin’s curse brought to.  It was My plan has always been, I will not lose MY OWN.  I seek you daily everywhere, I AM there, here, with all.  That’s why I AM GOD and you are not.  So if you know the truth and hear that I AM here for you, why do you run away from ME keep trying on your own?  The futile foolish life of man who seeks his own way best, proves out that I AM truth and life for his ends as he came.  Abundant life is yours with ME and so much more is coming.  MY KINGDOM here is full of grace and mercy for each face.  BUT OH the joys that you will have with ME eternally, if you will choose to love ME, want ME, seek ME, follow ME, Believe I AM HE.  I AM King of Kings and Lord of Lords and all realms understand this.  It doesn’t matter what man thinks–it IS, cannot be changed.  I AM GOD and there is no other.  COME and find ME all you have ever dreamed or desired.  It’s ME the missing piece.  You’ve been robbed and I restore.  Been lied to and I AM truth.  All other earthly gods, religions too were created by man to fill the hole that’s only made for ME.  In John 14:23 I promise you; I Jesus–“If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching.  My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.”  I repeated this in My REVELATION to John in Revelation 3:20:  “Here I AM!  I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.”  That’s LIVING Life abundantly.  I AM revealing My self to many around the globe who truly seek the TRUTH and have been deceived by man’s evil notions, wrong directions, corruption in the earth.  I AM HERE and  I SEEK YOU.  WHY you say would I want you?  Because you are MINE, My child and I love you with a passion you will never fully understand in this place of hurt and wound.  SO get over your self, walk, climb, run to ME and find all you have ever hoped for.  TRY ME!  TEST ME!  CALL TO ME.  See if I don’t answer you in your spirit and you will know that all My words are truth and YOU ARE LOVED!

Categories: God's Messages, Hear, Know, Life, Love, Trust.

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January 11, 2017

I AM the Bright and Morning Star and I AM GOD and I AM the one in charge, control and it’s time MY children remember WHO I AM!  What is all the fuss about constantly from you all looking at the wrong things.  I AM GOD–LOOK UP!  I AM here with you and in you by MY SPIRIT and My promise.  I have not turned My back or walked away.  I AM not ignoring or paying no attention.  I AM in charge of everything that IS.  All exists only by My WORD.  What I say brings LIFE.  All that exists comes from ME and through ME.  All life is held in place by ME.  Life and Death are in My hands.  I save and restore and refresh and build and create.  Man does nothing apart from ME.  So why do you look at man’s ways and words and fear what may be.  I have DECLARED the TRUTH to you in MY word and through My Voice in your ear.  My Spirit speaks My words to you and tells you what you need to know at all times.  I ask that My children read My REVELATION to them and see what I have said.  I declare to you that I AM the Bright and Morning Star.  I AM coming soon and I declare to you be filled and ready in ME.  My Spirit is hear to speak to you what you need to know of ME daily.  Give up yourself and live for ME.  You will find all you need through TRUST in ME.  I love you all.  I AM calling and claiming and showing MY own in the earth the truth.  I AM speaking to many who had no idea that I AM the ONE TRUE GOD.  Deceived by lies of the devil, they are meeting ME their KING and LORD and finding LIFE ABUNDANT.  Many are giving their lives for ME and MINE.   Be ready, prepared.  LOVE ME MOST and BEST that’s all I ask.  I will move in and through you.  I call My own to come to ME and be with ME and KNOW ME as never before.  I love you.  You are precious to ME.  BELIEVE and RECEIVE the truth that I speak to you this day.  Do not be surprised by what you see and hear.  KNOW and BELIEVE that earth is in My hands.  My eyes never leave you.  I AM here.  Talk to ME constantly as best friend, Lord, GOD!!!

Categories: God's Messages, Know, Life, Love, Trust.

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January 1, 2016

I AM the HEAD of My Body the Church, My Bride and as HEAD I cannot be touched or defeated.  I AM GOD and there is no other and so let go of your SELF and Hold on to ME.  I AM THE HEAD.  Do not call your life precious for if you do, you will lose it.  Hold ME as your life and find it.  I have promised to give you life eternal which you have in ME if you are MINE.  I dwell among you in power and light.  I and the Father are ONE and we come to dwell with you–those who call us LORD and GOD.  All others are foolish in My sight–for they say in their minds and hearts that there is no god or I AM not HE!  Who does man think that he is to tell HIS MAKER HE IS NOT!  The foolishness of man is evident in the earth.  Men have come and gone for years and none of them exists.  I AM!  I AM HERE and never came to be and never will be gone.  I AM!  I have said it and I AM TRUTH and all that IS!  I AM All in ALL and nothing exists apart from ME.  All that IS exists because I say SO!  I have called you to MY SELF because I AM GOD and I AM Love–not as man knows–a love that is pure and holy and truth and complete and cares and nurtures, helps and provides, and never ends.  I AM seeking MY own those who want ME and have not found ME yet.  I FIND YOU!  I Choose You!  Come and follow ME–JESUS and find that My Father is beyond anything you could ever hope to know.  I and the Father are One–I declared this and have proved it.  Those who follow ME know ME and KNOW I AM WHO I SAY THAT I AM!  Why do they give up their heads for ME?  Ask your SELF that question if you struggle to understand.  I AM real, alive, and I have promised and continue to speak to My own.  They KNOW ME.  They desire ME above all else.  Death cannot touch them for I have conquered death and it means HOME–ME–MY Presence immediately for those who let all go for ME.  I lead them here and they trust MY LEAD.  I bring them Home when things are ready.  There is nothing the earth can offer you for all comes from ME first.  Evil seeks to kill destroy and lies to cheat you of your HOME with ME here where Father dwells in unapproachable light so bright there is no night or dark or shadow.  We are cheering you on to finish your race, your journey here with ME for I have come to lead you HOME to ME.  I give you life and joy and peace and HELP here through My Holy Spirit who lives within and teaches you what you need to Know from day to day–ALL!  COME and find JESUS–ME–all that I say I AM!  Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you things you did not know.  Call to ME and find ME.  TRUST ME for I AM TRUST.  LOVE ME for I AM LOVE.  OBEY ME for I have obeyed My Father forever and I AM your great reward.  COME.  ALL IS WELL IN ME!  Do not look around you at what you see.  LOOK AT ME–GOD–JESUS, King of Kings, Lord of LORDS.  I AM the GOVERNMENT and will rule forever.  What is happening is all known in Father’s plan.  Man does not trump or prevail.  GOD IS IN CONTROL and IN CHARGE and you will see.  BELIEVE IN TRUTH!  I AM the truth, the life, the ONLY WAY!  COME and find all you have ever hope and dreamed for in ME–I AM JESUS.  I love you!   Come and follow ME!

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March 29, 2015

Best means 1st, top, All!  I  AM the All in ALL!  I have given MY best–ME to you!  I AM the BEST–LIFE is ME!  What are you doing with it right NOW?  Is your life worth living?  Is it your best?  Are you giving your best?  What does that mean?  I want you to give your SELF to ME right NOW, here, this day!  Your BEST will only be found in ME.  You can try your whole life but your BEST will always fall short because you are nothing apart from ME.  People think they are really something, but they are nothing without ME their God, their Father, their maker, their love.  They have no idea what they are striving for and looking for and wanting.  They try to stuff the world’s offerings in the places that need filled and all it is, is old stuffed filthy rags that just create more dark places, no light at all.  Can you see this picture, what I AM saying?  I AM the light of the world.  I came to give you life abundant full every day and with ME you will have it guaranteed and promised.  Apart from Me the journey remains dark, empty, ugly, evil, tiring, depressing, and junk worthy of the trash heap when life is over.  What merits you to gain everything the world has to offer you and more from the store and have nothing but heart aches inside that no one but you and ME know about.  I KNOW IT ALL.  I KNOW YOU inside and out and there’s nothing about you that I don’t already know, knew in fact before I made the world and placed you in it on the day of your conception.  Oh yes it is conception that brings you into life.  You have a meaning and exist because I choose to bring you forth.  Therefore, if you have made something in your life, who designed it gave it being?  You of course.  So tell me why do you think you made you and should be in charge of you?  Did you create you in your mother’s womb or decide when you’d come forth?  Did you decide to be and place yourself here in the earth?  Of course you know the answer and it shocks your system cold.  For you have not considered ME for who I really AM!  There’s nothing here that man has made without ME giving thoughts and actions to make it happen.  Believe ME when I say that I AM GOD and there is no other, no matter what man says or does.  He doesn’t have the answers apart from ME.  With ME I give you life and health, eternal here with ME.  It’s what man seeks, to prolong life but it is futile waste.  I AM LIFE and it only exists in ME and with ME.  That is why I came to give you life eternal and paid the price to cover all man’s sin.  Rebellion is a spirit that sucks out life within.  It keeps you wanting more of you and less and less of ME.  It makes you run away from ME and tells you lies for lies.  There’s not one ounce of truth in it, rebellion is the flesh at war with ME.  For I AM here have come to reason and make sense of things for you who come and dwell with ME and know ME as your own.  But those who rise up to their height of no account to ME, think they are strong and mighty in their own plans made to see.  I CALL TO YOU, TO ALL OF YOU to come to ME and quick.  For I AM coming soon to earth and will not tarry long.  I’ve waited long and interceded just for you to be a part of My great BRIDE, MY love.  I AM coming back to see!  I want you with ME, part of ME, MY Church, My BRIDE, for ME.  Come seek ME out and you will find that I AM here with you.  I love you and I wait for you.  I pray for you to see that all you’ve done and chased and seen’s been nothing but illusion.  It vanishes in MY PRESENCE for I AM GOD and I AM TRUTH.  I AM LIFE.  I AM THE ONLY WAY to life eternal.  All this other stuff man thinks up, follows, does, has no baring on reality and will be soon shown for what it is.  All lies, deceptions from satan to destroy the men and women following what is not of ME to their own death and destruction.  I have given All Glory and All Power to My Son and His name is JESUS, KING OF KINGS, LORD ETERNAL.   There is no one beside ME.  I AM GOD ALMIGHTY.  Come find your life and all you have ever desired in ME.  I AM waiting to welcome you HOME–MY CHILD!  COME!

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July 2, 2013

So who’s the Man of Steel to you, the picture show or ME?  I AM more than you’ll ever know beyond your comprehension.  See ME for who I AM this day, beyond ALL known to man.  So what he does and comprehends falls short of ALL My glory.  I AM GOD and there is no other, it doesn’t matter what you think.  I AM!  I’m here among you, blessing, stealth.  I heal, I save, I do My Father’s will and nothings ever changed in that, we’re ONE and WE love you!  Your pride can keep you far, aloof, afraid to come up close.  But if you’ll cast it off right now and come to ME for help, you’ll find all that you need and more than you could ask.  For I have said it and it’s true, I KNOW ALL THINGS and all answers have for you.  I long to help My children, but very few think of Me, still, where I can speak and be free to help them.  However, I AM Father so I do control and save, for many think they should have died and it was ME who saved.  So whether you believe or not, it really doesn’t matter, for I AM real and I AM GOD and I’m in charge of you.  I keep you breathing till the day already written down, when your last breath here ceases and you exhale–where will that be.  I interceded and pray for you and try to help you see throughout your day and all around you things that speak of ME.  I want you to come home to ME and live with ME up here, and also enjoy life with Me in earth’s strong atmosphere.  I pray and hope and know your choice before it comes to be.  I keep on working all around you, helping you and keeping you and praying that you’ll choose to love ME back and spend eternity with ME.  You choose.  It’s funny all the things man says, he talks of rights to choose.  But the only choice that changes life is what you do with ME.  I AM Jesus and I’m calling you.  Choose ME, choose LIFE, choose HOME.

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