January 16, 2019

MY WORDS are real, true, from My heart to yours and nothing in between.  I don’t have human motives blocking the way or deceiving you in any way.  What you hear and see is REAL!  ME!  I have called you to Myself more times than you can count; ignored and pushed aside.  There is no one on earth more valuable to you than ME–GOD, longing for your time and company.  To be in My presence alone, spending time with ME is the greatest thing you can do.  All other sources and resources fill you up temporarily but leave you lacking.  Even friends and spouses, children and grandchildren, parents and others cannot fill the tank of your heart because only I KNOW exactly the fuel that you personally need.  Each one of you is created individually, perfection in My sight and hands.  I continue My work on you throughout your life and never stop seeking your time and attention in order to share the process with you and help you become all that I have placed inside you, that you are not aware of yet.  The treasure of you is hidden from your view, in fact buried under the worlds debris from birth to this moment in time for sure.  I and only I AM able to cleanse, wash and bring back the REAL you in the proper moments so as not to break or crush or damage, but amaze, astound, and delight you.  There’s nothing to hard for ME.  There’s no one to far away. No one who’s done more than I can repair and restore.  Sometimes we just start fresh, a brand new start.  All a new birth for sure, but each of My children are completely unique, so they can’t possibly know what I their maker have put inside them.  When you make something, only you and your hands know what you have made and why.  Same with ME.  I AM GOD and there is no other.  No matter what men think and do there is no other god, all fakes of wood and stone.  Even men who lived and died and caused religious bunk, are just that.  It hurts My heart to see My precious ones deceived and struggling through their lives to please what isn’t there.  Do not think that just because a man or woman says it, it is so.  I have told you to come hear My voice and let Me prove to you I AM.  Many through the ages have done just that and their stories stand as TRUE.  Daniel for one changed the hearts of kings, and all of the stories are true!  Believe what you will, but be sure that it’s truth.  I AM the Truth, the Life, the Way.  There is nothing apart from ME.  I AM here and returning soon–My time not yours.  I call you to COME check ME out, BE STILL!  Shut your mouth and your ears to all other voices and sit quietly and listen for I will speak to you and you will know the truth to set you free of all the junk of mankind to the truth of GOD Alone.  I AM JESUS and I Call you to Come Hear My Voice.  Enjoy an eternal life friendship here and now with ME and come home when I AM ready for you.  I WAIT patiently 24-7 for YOU!  COME!

Categories: God's Messages, Hear, Know, Life, Love, Trust.

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