March 1, 2015

This may come as a shock to you but I cannot heal you until you STOP your own nursing skills.  You know nothing about the wounds that you have, only your experience of them.  Sounds funny to you, but think about it.  You may have seen the wound coming, felt the wound, absorbed the wound, carry the wound and been nursing the wound for seconds, minutes, months, and years!  BUT you do not KNOW and UNDERSTAND the wound that you received.  You may have seen and known the perpetrator of the wound one human to another, or the object of the wound that was created in your flesh.  BUT you do not KNOW and COMPREHEND the wound that you received.  NOW are you interested in MY Understanding, Knowledge, and Complete Comprehension of the wound that you received?  I hope that you are ready and willing to come to ME, your God and King, and Father, and Lord and ASK ME for the TRUTH of what this is all about.  Have you ever wondered why the wound still exists?  If you cut your face or leg shaving it heals within days.  If you get a bruise it goes away.  If you bang your head, the pain dissipates.  What is going on with this wound–the BIG WOUND that you are carrying around in your flesh that you THINK of right NOW.  There may be more than one, many over many years.  You think of the person, the object of your discontented life.  You think of the exact moment of the wound, wounds, and wounded.  What IS GOING ON?  WHY?  You have been nursing this wound for a long time and nothing has helped.  No change is foreseen.  You have given up even thinking of the wound being gone.  It has become a part of who you THINK you are.  WHY?  What is this all about.  What is the wound about?  LET ME, GOD, Your creator tell you exactly what has been going on.  Whoever you think of in connection with the wound, is just the tool or weapon.  The one behind the wound is one who hates your existence and wants to take you out.  The wound was created to occupy your entire life and time upon the earth so that you have little if no significance against him here in life.  As long as you are tending your wounds you are totally occupied and of no consequence to the real THING happening here in the earth.  You see MY KINGDOM is not of this earth, but IS for you.  I CAME to bring you MY Kingdom and LIFE HERE. I come with healing in My wings of love and care and nurture to heal old wounds and set you free of the bonds that have kept you bound to your wounds.  Are you ready?  Do you want to be free?  It is a simple task for ME.  I AM the one who first took every wound that has ever been made and bore them all for you, for all.  I declared out of MY mouth the healing balm that sets you free of every wound you have.  It is to say, “Father, I forgive them for THEY DIDN’T KNOW WHAT THEY WERE DOING!”  Sounds CRAZY you think.  You don’t want them set free.  You want them to pay for what they did to you.  WRONG–the only one paying for it is you as you nurse your old wounds, keep the scabs ripped off daily and wallow in self pity.  This is a TOUGH but TRUE word from ME to you.  I have seen every wound, every sin against mankind by mankind, eye for eye.  I have known where the thoughts and actions of man proceed from.  The heart is deceitful above all things wicked.  The father of lies, cheats, steals, kills and destroys you with counterfeit thoughts, ideas, schemes and plots.  All it accomplishes is more wounds, more pain.  IF YOU WANT TO BE FREE FROM IT ALL AND FOR GOOD…just come to ME and say the simple words, “Father I forgive them, for they didn’t know what they were doing!”  They cried out to crucify me, but didn’t know what they were doing.  You think otherwise.  You see the person who said or did it to you and think they knew.  What they knew in that moment was not the whole story behind the wound.  I KNOW and  I SAY “LET IT GO!”  When you will let go of your grip and release it all to ME, HEALING WILL EXPLODE IN YOUR life and there will be freedom and you will thrive, not survive.  This is not the world’s way.  The enemy behind the wounds wants you hating, destroying yourself and laughs at your foolishness.  BE WISE!  Seek My help to forgive.  It’s a gift given in place of the wound.  Do you think I don’t care because I say, “just forgive!”  I hate evil. I was there holding you hearing and feeling and bore it for you on the cross.  I paid the price for every wound.  You have also wounded others and I paid for yours as well.  This is why it is time for you and all others to RELEASE your wounds to ME.  Let ME have them and heal you and move you forward to abundant life that you have longed for, prayed for.  It has been you holding it back.  You have missed so much already My precious ones.  I have promised to answer when you call and even before are working on your behalf.  COME.  LET your wounds be healed in Jesus NAME.  My SON is HE who reigns supreme no matter what man thinks.  There is no other God or King.  He is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings and coming soon, you’ll see.  GET HEALED.  RELEASED!  BE FREE!  There is a plan and purpose for your life known and designed by ME your Maker.  It will bring you immense joy and satisfy your heart’s desire.  I know what they are even though you’ve not spoken them out loud.  TRUST ME.  COME  BELIEVE BE FREE!

Designed by Tim Sainburg from Brambling Design

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January 14, 2015

What is Funny to you? What makes you laugh? I know do you? Do you know how funny you are? You can make ME, your FATHER laugh with joy watching you live life. Your ups and downs don’t cause ME to frown I knew them all before you became. I’ve known you in My heart and thoughts from the beginning. I cause you to laugh and be silly, a sign that you’re free. No one laughs in a cage. They’re forlorn and confused, trapped and abused. So be FREE in ME–come out, come to ME! Love life and live! You can and you must. There is TRUST to be had in ME and ME alone. Don’t look anywhere else, other thrones fall apart, others fail from the start. No other can be to you GOD–it is ME! I AM yours, and your friend. I hold out My hand, take it NOW! REST assured that your TRUST is a gift to MY heart. I will treasure it close and reward you forever. My love is complete and there’s nothing you need to do to earn, gain, or keep it. It is yours forever My child, My love. I have loved you completely from start to finish and everything in between. I love you so much I cover you with My love, My blood poured out as a mantle, a covenant of forever love and friendship with ME. Come, press in close and be MINE. I AM your joy and in My presence is delight you can’t measure from earth’s point of view. To know ME is to be lifted high above things of earth, distractions, attractions, and struggles. Not all may disappear that assails you, but winds blow away dust and debris, so please TRUST MY WILL for your life and hold tight to My hand. I will not let you go. All is well in My Kingdom, My way is for sure. Just come trust ME more than you did just before. Each step is a journey of measure to ME, I know all your limits, won’t cross them, you’ll see. You may think that you’re done, that the enemy has won, BUT I haven’t started to show ALL I AM! Just keep holding tightly to all that I say. Do what I ask quickly, stay radical, with ME. NOW is in My hands and I know just how. So keep watching and listening and coming, be free. Laugh Out Loud is a saying the world thinks is funny. To laugh breaks a bondage that moment you’re free. For those who won’t laugh are caught up, tight inside. To laugh and enjoy comes directly through ME. So let all that I bring you explode from inside. Don’t hold back in pride any longer, be free. LET GO of your self, it’s held you back away from ME. Come, run and laugh and enjoy life with ME. I AM HERE! COME!

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March 8, 2014

Why are you drawn to it?  Sunshine makes you happy.  Why?  Do you know?  My Word says that the Sun of righteousness comes with healing in its wings.  It’s My touch to you.  You feel Me in the sunshine rather you know Me or not.  I warm you, clothe you in eternal light.  I AM the LIGHT of the WORLD.  There is a day coming when there will be no need for the sun, moon, and stars.  I will be the LIGHT–I AM all consuming, blinding bright light and with Me and in ME there is no darkness at all.  I have no shadow for there is no darkness in ME.  There is no turning in ME because I AM all everywhere.  North, East, South, West, Left, Right, Up Down, All around, surround sound of ME. I AM all light and sound.  There is nothing but light and bright with ME.  When I called Saul that day so long ago, he was wrapped in My presence–blinding light so bright that those with him could not see him or me, but heard the voice.  They were frightened and wondered what was happening.  Paul was literally blind for three days in My presence.  He was having an experience for sure–of ME.  I was letting him KNOW ME, that I AM real, alive, exist and he could stop persecuting me on behalf of Judaism and come out from among them and be separated unto ME the true and living MESSIAH KING!  I HAVE COME AND GONE AND WILL RETURN….Soon!  I AM not here for religion.  I ended it all that day on the cross.  I AM here to bring HOME MY children, lost and wandering without a Shepherd–ME.  I call to you constantly to come spend time with ME.  To hear My voice and KNOW ME more.  He came that day.  He answered My call.  He let all the past of what he thought he knew go for a brand New WAY–with ME.  All you have to do is follow ME.  I AM the light of the world.  I choose you to be My lamps and lampstands where I live and move and dwell among you.  It is an amazing thing that I GOD dwell in your midst–the middle of you one in spirit together.  Yet you live and move and have your being in ME, MY KINGDOM is real….this one is temporal, temporary, will end as you know it.  It will not be as man thinks.  You must KNOW ME NOW–most crucial is My voice to all who will listen and follow ME.  Follow Me and find your life.  It is only in me that you have life and life abundant.  All else is smoke and mirrors, a sham, will be gone sooner than you think.  I AM the TRUTH, the LIFE, the WAY and all who find ME, find all they ever hoped for and more.  Many are coming around the globe.  It is a harvest of souls right now and I ask you to be among them.  Come to ME.  Share of ME with others.  I AM the bread of life.  Cast your bread upon the waters for you will find it after many days.  Don’t horde to keep, but share and give.  Be free with all you know of ME.  Hold nothing back from those you meet.  Defeat the lies with Truth of ME.  I came to set you free.  My FATHER is all love and good, there’s nothing He can do of evil.  You can trust Him.  Whatever is happening WE are with you, in the midst.  We take all things and turn them into good for you.  Time may seem long and harsh, but OH you will be astounded to see the end result.  Your faithfulness and love and devotion to us will be rewarded by our Love–by GOD Himself–your own!  To be a child of the KING–think of what that means.  To be a child of GOD.  I AM the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.  MY KINGDOM REIGNS AND RULES AND IS HERE UNSEEN AMONG YOU.  IT is coming more and more from heart to heart I come.  It is not as man looks upon the outside structure.  You will see.  All will bow the knee.  Be MINE.  BE MINE!  Be of My Name and kindred.  I AM your great inheritance.  I love you!  Come this day.

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