June 24, 2010

I have been saying this for centuries, forever I AM! If you say, “I am” you usually mean you are already doing what the person has asked of you. So think about this in relation to Me, GOD of the Universe. I AM. Whatever it is, “I AM!” I Am doing it. I Am working on it. I Am fixing it, restoring it, making it, doing it, speaking it, providing it, giving it, helping it. I AM. Whatever your heart’s need is, I AM. I see and I know. This is where you must trust Me to know more than you do in all things. You can trust Me to be working it out and hearing your heart and doing what I know is best. I do know what is best and that is often the rub with you. You often want something different than what I see and that makes your trust and obedience more glorious for us both. You receive My joy in the outcome when discovered by you. I receive your love through trust in My ways over you. I do all things well. Nothing is ever wrong that I do. It is not possible for Me to error. My very nature is truth and love and because I know all things at all times all things are done well. It is the profound truth that astounds and confounds the wise among themselves. They do not want to belive that I exist because it puts them lower than they themselves perceive. Yes! I see it all and know it all. There’s not one heart unknown to Me. I dwell among you and know all and love all. There’s no one I’m not seeking to help believe in Me and My love for them. I leave no one to themselves. I am there creating them, shaping them, molding them, birthing them with life and breath from Me. They may think themselves in charge, but their life exists because of My will and love and desire for them all. So as them come to Me and discover this truth, abundant life takes shape from moment to moment in My care surrounding them, preserving them, holding them, and moving them with Me as Father deems best. Our course together is set by Him and through Him and all things exists because of Him. We are One, He and I. I AM! We love you. Come and believe and receive all that we say to you this day. Yes! We call you into relationship with Us to be One with Us. God and Man–One! That has been the joy set before Me for all the ages. I seek YOU! Come!

Categories: Uncategorized.


June 23, 2010

I call to you, but you do not answer. Nor do you desire My company or words. That is the key to life eternal and abundant life here and now. Few are coming to Me the God of the Universe, King of All things that are. I AM JESUS and I AM not ashamed of you or any other child of Mine. There is much I want to say but you must come to Me to hear. When you speak to others do you stand far away or draw them close to hear. See. I only ask the same of Mine. Come in close and stand by Me and with Me and in Me. I AM God and there is no other. I call you to Myself and you think it strange that God would say. However, everything I have ever done has been to call you closer still, to come and know of Me. I desire relationship with you as much as you desire others. See! I AM not lonely, but I do long for you with an everlasting passion of love and grace and mercy on My face for you. I hear your voice and love for you to show Me that you care for Me as much as those you see. I AM Spirit and therefore, manifest as I see fit to those in need of Me. However, most can see and know and dwell with Me by faith. It is not hope of something lost that binds you away from Me, but your own doubts and unbelief. You fail to see the lies that squirm and worm their way into your thoughts and pull you away from Me. Come. Run with all your might to Me and stay as close as you can be. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere today or any other day. You do not find yourself alone with Me. My presence is for sure. It is guaranteed and I do not leave you or forsake you. Come. Believe. Receive. Know Me and love Me. I love you completely, nothing between us no matter what you think. I speak truth and I do not lie and therefore My words are here to bless you and set you free. Cover your thoughts with Mine and find yours melt away under the pressure and strength of My enduring, endless, unbreakable, unshakeable, pure and holy LOVE! COME MY Love! I see you and know you. I will speak to you whatever you need to know.
All is well between us. I have FINISHED it on your behalf! COME and be blessed by a life so astounding and confounding that you will have nothing to say on most occasions but worship to Me from your heart of gratitude, trust, love, peace, and joy! Amen and Amen

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June 15, 2010

Time is of the essence you say. To whom? Does it matter to Me? I’m eternal, never ending, no time exists in My Kingdom. Days are years and years are days. Thousands equal one and one a thousand. Do you see what I was saying? It blinds you to the truth of what I’m doing because you see based on the day of the week in front of you and not what I will do. I AM at work always. I never sleep, never slumber. I’M at REST within Myself. I AM GOD. Therefore, what I say and do does not trouble Me or disturb Me. I know exactly what I’m doing and for what reasons upon the earth. I know that things appear to you to take long or take too little time. However, it is My view of things that matters and you will see soon enough that I know all things and do all things well on your behalf. Do not trust in other things that fail and fall apart around you. Trust in Me completely and know that I AM working. I AM God. I have you secured into Myself. There’s no one I don’t love completely. There’s nothing I do for Myself alone. All is done for you My child, My love, My home. Yes. I live and dwell in you and you in Me. You are My home in the earth. See it? Don’t struggle against Me but work with Me. We can accomplish great things together as you surrender your will to Mine and find out that Mine is perfect on your behalf. There are things you cannot know and so as you trust Me completely My ability as God comes forth on your behalf and astounds you and the world around you that I AM ABLE. Come and see what I will do for you this day. SEE! Things are not as they appear at first glance with the naked eye. You must allow Me the privilege of revealing truth to you in My Kingdom beyond the sight realm to where the real life exists all around you. Come and I will make things clear to you soon enough. I love you My child. Come. Believe and Receive. All is well in the earth because I AM HERE. Do not fear. Do not despair. I share Myself with you. That is all you need to know. I AM GOD. There is no other. Do not be ashamed to claim My Name. I AM! RECEIVE ME! Enjoy ME! Have fun with Me today. I’m here and I never leave you. Come!

Categories: Uncategorized.


June 6, 2010

What day you ask? What day is this that is so important in the Grand Scheme of things? I know all days and their purposes in Me and for Me. There is not a day that goes by that is not strategic and ordered and planned with great purposes coming forth in the earth and in your life as you view and see it and for what I have in mind that no one but ME can see and know. At times things seem difficult, unsure, tragic at best and horrible at worst and yet I have purpose in it all–not from Me–only Good comes from Me, but nevertheless allowed for purposes unseen, unrevealed as yet to the naked eye and senses realm. So When I say this is the day that I have formed, rejoice and be glad in it, I know what I ask may be beyond the human realm of possibilities because of feelings and emotions involved. That is why you must come and live and move and have your being in Me, not of this realm that exists around you. So that you can fly above things and get the greater view from My vantage point in heaven to your heart and mind in the earth. That is our communication process with you through Holy Spirit’s endeavors to teach you and bring you into My Kingdom in thought and word and deed. It will take more than you can accomplish on your own. You are not able without Me. I Am calling My own to things super-natural and that will demand surrender of your SELF to My will and purposes. Yes! There have been many who have gone before you and given up even life and limb and sought My presence in the midst of great pain and strain–though purposed to live and dwell and do what I will say to them in that moment. I Am calling you forth to things you have not dreamed possible before this point. You sense My presence fresh and new and many of you have been sensing My call greater and stronger and seeing what I Am doing quicker and broader than before. This is the new power of My Presence being poured out and manifested on those listening, seeking, believing, receiving Me into their very being and every day existence. I AM here and doing great and mighty things through those who are willing to set aside their agends for Mine and realize that theirs is fulfilled within Mine as their desires begin to become Mine and Mine theirs. We share and share alike. We are family, you and I. I AM GOD and there is no other before Me or after Me. I AM YHWH—All God, All man–Christ Jesus is My Name. My Spirit dwells in the hearts of man and draws Him closer still in activity with Me in the earth. This is happening according to Father’s plans for US and you will see that you will be used mightily and strategically. Come. Listen well and believe quickly what you hear and respond with absolutely grace and love in all situations that you will find yourself in. They will seem at times traumatic, yet they will be times of refreshing things known and lost of Me by those you come in contact with. I Am calling to remembrance things known of Me and forgotten by many in the earth. So come and believe and work with Me this day and all others. The time is short, very very short and you are much needed. Fear not to do these things that I will say to you. Just obey quickly and respond with grace and mercy, not the past. I know and I see it all and I will do it. There’s much you cannot fix, but I AM Able and love the challenge shown to all of My Great power and love and ability to display the Father’s heart to all who will come and hear and listen. Seek Me and find Me with your whole heart. I will be seen and known by those who seek Me and find Me as I AM here and waiting for you.

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