June 23, 2010

I call to you, but you do not answer. Nor do you desire My company or words. That is the key to life eternal and abundant life here and now. Few are coming to Me the God of the Universe, King of All things that are. I AM JESUS and I AM not ashamed of you or any other child of Mine. There is much I want to say but you must come to Me to hear. When you speak to others do you stand far away or draw them close to hear. See. I only ask the same of Mine. Come in close and stand by Me and with Me and in Me. I AM God and there is no other. I call you to Myself and you think it strange that God would say. However, everything I have ever done has been to call you closer still, to come and know of Me. I desire relationship with you as much as you desire others. See! I AM not lonely, but I do long for you with an everlasting passion of love and grace and mercy on My face for you. I hear your voice and love for you to show Me that you care for Me as much as those you see. I AM Spirit and therefore, manifest as I see fit to those in need of Me. However, most can see and know and dwell with Me by faith. It is not hope of something lost that binds you away from Me, but your own doubts and unbelief. You fail to see the lies that squirm and worm their way into your thoughts and pull you away from Me. Come. Run with all your might to Me and stay as close as you can be. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere today or any other day. You do not find yourself alone with Me. My presence is for sure. It is guaranteed and I do not leave you or forsake you. Come. Believe. Receive. Know Me and love Me. I love you completely, nothing between us no matter what you think. I speak truth and I do not lie and therefore My words are here to bless you and set you free. Cover your thoughts with Mine and find yours melt away under the pressure and strength of My enduring, endless, unbreakable, unshakeable, pure and holy LOVE! COME MY Love! I see you and know you. I will speak to you whatever you need to know.
All is well between us. I have FINISHED it on your behalf! COME and be blessed by a life so astounding and confounding that you will have nothing to say on most occasions but worship to Me from your heart of gratitude, trust, love, peace, and joy! Amen and Amen

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