What’s Up?

September 17, 2010

Hi! It’s ME! I AM up and down and all around. Do you see Me or hear Me? Do you even try to get to know Me or do you fear Me to such a degree you ignore Me and hide from Me at all costs? I know–but do you? Do you know what you’re doing? Do you really know who I AM?
Do you know that I love you? Finished–done deal–made you–love you–paid for your freedom with My blood–My life is yours! Do you get it? There is nothing standing between us but you. There is nothing keeping us from knowing each other intimately and completely, God and you, you and God–ME! I AM God and I speak directly to your heart and soul and mind and spirit that I AM REAL and I AM here and I never leave. I wait for you to look up and see Me. I AM bigger than you. I surround and complete you when given the chance. I AM a Father of absolute perfection whose magnitude and circumference is unmeasurable. Do you get it? And I AM calling you to Myself for Myself, My child, MINE! That declares My ownership, guardianship, authorship, LOVE. Not as the world gives to you, not as those who have wounded you, but as GOD. PERFECT! No lies, no wounds, no hurts, no hate, no rejection, no expectations, nothing desired of you, but YOU! That is all I have ever wanted is for you to LOVE ME! Sounds funny to you. God wants you to love Him. I DO! Come and find Me more than you could ever have dreamed possible. I AM GOD and I AM here and I DO LOVE YOU and I HAVE SET YOU FREE to be all that I made you and created you to be. Only I know, so come and enjoy the journey with Me. I love you.

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