May 12, 2011

NOW! Now is the time for My children to hear My voice like never before. Are you watching the times and the seasons in front of your faces or are you dead to life around you? You must wake up and see things in My realm all around you, not as you see with sight from your eyes, but as from Me. My sight in you is seeing things differently and you must be aware and tune in your vision to Me and what I’m saying and doing in the earth. All is well in the earth by My time table and not yours. Just remember that NOW as you move forward into things that are coming. I will be filling you in as We go as you need to know as you hear Me and walk with Me. All is as I have said it would be. I AM in charge. I AM the GOD of ALL things and all things are MINE. You will see. It will be defined for all to see that I AM HE who has said and spoken from old until now and forever. Do not fret or stew or be disturbed by what you hear or see in the earth for all is coming into the season of My will in the earth. All is determined and pre-set for reasons of Ours before time came to be in the earth. Your time is not Ours, but for you. You will see that I have spoken truth at all times in the earth and in heaven where I dwell at the Father’s right hand in splendor and glory for His Name and His Story! I reign supreme and all things bow to My name. There has never been a day like this one. All is Mine to determine and you will see that this is so in the earth soon enough. Be still and quiet your soul in ME. I AM your God and your Lord and your Father. There is nothing apart from Me so run to Me with all your might and stay in Me. I AM here in the earth and all things are coming into being at My command. Do not judge what you do not know or understand. Be still and watch and wait and you will perceive as I give you wisdom to hear what I AM doing and see for your self; which must be Mine to determine. I know all things and will tell you all things as you need to know and are ready to know. Trust Me in this. I know your thoughts and hearts right now are HEAVY. Do not be disturbed. Come to Me. Be still in Me. Know ME more than you have before and be content to rest in My good will over you until you understand and have full knowledge of what I’m doing. It is a time of waiting behind Me where you cannot see all that My hands are doing in the earth, but you will soon. It is the trust of a child resting in their Father’s good graces over them. I will not harm you. Do not think that this is so. I AM love and you will see and know. Yes. Many shrink back from Me as harsh because they cannot see all. They make a judgment and determine things themselves without knowledge or understanding. Be careful to stay with Me and in Me at this time and season. All is well and you will be led through this trauma before you. Have heart in Me. I AM your hope and all else is lies that destroys truth of who I AM. I AM. I will be known by All soon! Do not doubt Me. I AM God and I cannot lie. Therefore, this too shall pass before Me and all is well. I govern from on High in realms you cannot see as yet. Many are here and cheer you on. Do not fear or be troubled. Stand strong and firm in Me and what I tell you. Believe and do not doubt. Fail to hear anything but Me. Tune out all other voices and concerns. Stand firm and don’t be dissuaded by what you see or hear of Me. I will make Myself known to you. Trust Me. REST! Be still. Give Me Glory and honor and praise in your life. I Have you secured into Myself and no one, nothing can detach you from Me, ever. I was there! I AM HERE! I AM! COME! Quiet your soul in Me. My presence is everywhere and doing My will over all.
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