January 1, 2012

New Days! I AM. I AM here and now. You look at years today. A new year. I look at days planned before the foun dation of the world was laid. I see you and know you and the day in front of you. It is My focus. I AM here. I AM with you in this day. Yesterday is gone and behind you. Tomorrow is not available to you as yet. Today is your focus with Me and I need you greatly to focus on Me and My plans with you for this day. There is extremely important things to be done in the earth with you and with Me together. I want you to love Me and be excited about everything. You will see Me in it. Yes I know what you’re thinking and feeling today. Do not fear man’s time table. I have My own and it supercedes all of man’s ideas; his are nothing. I AM GOD and I have the plan! It is timeless and sure. It will be brought forth as I have declared. All who trust Me will know and see things as I make them clear and open for sight in the realm of the spirit where I dwell with you, MY Kingdom. It does impact, control and surround the world you live in with Me. Come and be very, very still in this thing.
I have called you and will continue to speak truth to your ear. Hear Me and trust Me. Obey Me in all things and do not sort your own way. Mine will lead you forward into My work, with Me and Father here in the earth. I love you and find you to be My precious one. Do you love Me? Find your self defeated as you come closer still in spirit with Me. It will be your complete and full joy. TRUST ME THIS DAY! It is a day I made for you. I AM HERE! Do not fear. Stay with Me. Trust Me not your sight. My words to you pull you closer still to hear My voice and know Me and what I’m up to in the earth. All is well because I AM GOD. I AM WELL! There is none above Me. ALL IS KNOWN TO ME and fit into My plan, designed for salvation, restoration, recovery of all that is MINE…..ALL! Come. Believe and receive Me. Do not reject Me. Hand in Mine, heart Mine, mind Mine….one together in Spirit…you and ME! Love is ALL I AM–all around–be LOVE to ALL! ME to all!
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