December 6, 2012

I do, you know it.  Today you feel My hand upon your chin, lifting your face to see My face in front of you.  It is full of love and adoration of you My child, not what you have feared from Me.  I calmly say I love you in the middle of your day.  I say to you peace and joy and all things good from Me to you this day.  It is THE day.  I AM!  This moment in time is ME.  I live here with you.  I dwell in this moment, ever changing because that moment has already passed from us as we speak to each other right now.  Another moment just passed.  Do you see the significance of your day with Me.  Do you waste many moments in self recriminations; a vicious cycle of abuse.  Yes you do, and it is not from Me or of Me, but the liar who seeks to destroy you every moment of every day.  There’s no truth in this junk from the dung heap of lies that perpetuate the stink of his false identity to assume he has the right to plague My children already bought and paid for by My SELF in Blood, My own.  Do you hear what I AM saying to you this day of all days, every day the same truth from Me to you.  I love you and you are Mine and you need to stay quietly at rest in Me and guard your heart in Christ Jesus, your Lord and Savior, King of all things including your mind which He is renewing at His pace for you.  You must trust His lead and stay at peace in Him.  He will not give you more than you can handle in the moment at hand, though you may think so, it is not so.  You are held in supreme all inclusive grace and might, MINE!   I AM GOD and there is no other.  MY NAME IS I AM!  There is no other god before Me nor will there be.  No destruction can touch you in Me.  Hide in the shelter of My Glory all encompassing you into Me.  Do you believe this right now?  It is and you must trust My words of truth to you and step into Home in ME and stay there.  Don’t be drug around by the nap of your neck to every wind and whim you hear.  Stay solid in Me.  I AM your teacher.  Come to Me.  I will speak truth to you and decifer all things.  I have promised to lead you right.  I cannot lie to you, nor ever will for I AM GOD, Just and Holy, TRUE!  There is no false in Me.  Speak of Me often among yourselves and REST in ME.  I AM your REST.  I will teach you what this means on a daily basis as you walk out life with Me.  I know all your concerns that bother you this day and I will attend them without your help, but with your TRUST and Obedience at all costs to Me and what I may say to you in the course of the day.  Come and hang out with Me in spirit and in truth.  Yes while you work I AM here with you and orchestrating your moments, so do not push your own agenda forward, but Mine will prevail and be blessed over you and through you.  That is the key to abundant life.  ME!  I AM the one who knows all things and will do things precisely as I have planned and you are the one who walks in it with both feet firmly planted in My will and not your own.  I love you with an everlasting love.  It never fails you, ever, for any reason.  Do you believe Me?  Doubt is sent to trip you up and make you fall.  I will keep you from falling, I have declared it and I will do it.  Your name is spoken here in this moment.  I know you and love you. COME!  BELIEVE in ME not just anything the world dishes up and says believe.  You must know what you believe and why; and truth is all you need.  I AM the TRUTH, the LIFE, the WAY!  Come with Me and find your day blessed beyond anything you could have imagined your self even on your very best daydream.

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