June 19, 2013

Why would you think otherwise My child…yes you.  You are Mine and I have ALL the answers you need.  I watch you struggle from hour to hour wondering, pondering, wishing, hoping, doubting, stressing, all for no reason except that you do not believe ME.  You doubt that I exist.  You don’t believe I care.  You watch the world’s chaos and want ME to intervene in your mess of things.  I will at the appropriate time.  Until that moment known only to Me, My Son’s work is sufficient in you to suffice for the day.  That is where things need to happen right now, is in the heart.  Hearts are stone cold, frozen with fright, deceived to believe that My ways are impure because I don’t fix it all.  That everything you see happening is My fault not yours.  Man is deceived beyond what you could imagine.  If I rolled back the heavens and showed all there was to behold, man would suffocate under the intense shock of it all.  You could not breathe at the scope of My Kingdom coming for you sooner than you think.  I AM here among you, My Spirit lives in you who believe.  So why do you doubt Me.  My words are sufficient for daily substance to keep you motivated and moving forward in Me.  That is the key.  Many of you go days, weeks and years with no thought of Me or your need for My help.  That is the foolishness of man.  His wisdom is foolishness.  Accomplishments are only as I have given My ability and knowledge into the minds and hearts of My children in the earth.  Many don’t know Me and seek their own fame at the expense of Mine–for nothing is done apart from Me no matter who you are or how great you are among the sons of men.  I AM not affected, distracted, distraught over man.  I know every human who has ever been conceived because I placed them there, I give them life, I give them breath.  No one lives without Me.  I AM the God of life and death.  No one held My Son on the cross.  He chose to hang there for Me, to atone for you, pay your debt, set you free to choose Me.  I love you beyond what you will ever comprehend because I AM love.  You do not love Me or those around you.  You struggle within your SELF to make sense of things and figure it out and you never will apart from Me.  Come and find every answer in Me.  Everything you have ever desired comes to fruition in Me as you seek Me with your whole heart.  I have said it, promised it.  It is done in My Name.  I AM God.  I AM Jesus.  I AM Lord!  I AM KING!  You will see Me coming on the clouds in great glory.  I will reign here among the sons of men.  You will believe some day soon.  Make your day now.  Enjoy ME.  I came for you.  I desire to give you all that I AM.  I AM GOD.  Do you hear what I AM saying to you this day.

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