August 23, 2013

I have a main event planned every moment, every day of your life.  Are you aware!  Do you see!  Do you hear!  Do you listen to Me.  If you desire to know ME as your Father, God, and LORD, you will be absolutely stunned and amazed at what I do for you and through you.  There is so much happening in the earth by ME that you would be astounded and shocked to see it all.  Your senses would be absolutely overloaded if I did not control what you see and know to fit with your ability to handle and bear the weight of MY GLORY AND KINGDOM coming in the earth.  It is happening all around you and in hearts not seen by man.  I AM finding MY own every second of every day.  You are known by ME, every one of you.  There’s no one who has ever been born that I don’t know completely, form, create, bring forth, give breath and individually nurture their heart to come to a moment to choose ME or reject ME.  I long for each to choose to love ME and let Me live life to the fullest with them, with you.  However, so many have believed the lies and the junk that is served up by the world and completely miss all that I have for them.  Deception runs deep and dark like a fog that blinds.  That is the game against My very own.  I never leave or walk away, abandon or think ill of you.  I know every single trick that is used against you, every moment of every day.  However, I wait for you to ask for My help.  I need you to want Me and desire My help.  I have promised to keep you and protect you and shelter you and no one can take your life but ME.  You or someone may try but no life is taken without My knowledge of everything, and My permission from before you were made.  All your days were written before one occurred.  TRUST ME.  I know that some things make no sense to you for what seems evil and wicked and horrific for so many alive and now dead.  I see every baby, every child, and every person.  I know their life, the good and the sad.  If you call on Me I will supply all you need to live out the moment.  I give wisdom and strength for all that comes.  Even My little ones abandoned by death, are still cared for and ministered to by My hand unseen.  I do not have throw away children, and you are My precious one.  Every one can be ONE with ME!  Just come when I call and I’ve been calling you since the moment you were born.  I have been calling My children home for over 2,000 years when I FINISHED the debt retirement program in My own BLOOD!  I love you and there’s so much more to tell you and help you with.  COME.  I AM Calling.  As you wish your child would come when you call–so do I!  COME!

Categories: Uncategorized.

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