October 2, 2013

NOW is the time of your life.  NOW.  Right NOW.  Not back, not forward, but NOW.  I have you and everyone else.  There’s no one out of My control.  My hands are everywhere.  I AM God.  I AM ABLE.  I do all things well and good on your behalf.  I know that things seem terrible, traumatic at times, but I AM with you and in you and you can feel My Presence–Present–My gift to you is ME.  I AM with you and call you forth out of the doldrums of past thinking and into the light of My Presence in you.  I am all pink and orange and gold and yellow a sunrise and sunset all at once at all times.  It draws your heart to where I AM and you find that I AM working on behalf of those you love that you thought lost to you, not found.  It is a lie that I AM not working.  I AM!  I have promised you that I will do it.  I save.  I convict of need of ME.  I love so desperately that if you felt My capacity of love you would explode from the weight of it upon your chest.  It is GOD.  I AM LOVE.  You cannot contain Me, nor ever will.  Yet you live and move and have your being in Me.  How wonderful this is.  A mystery old yet new and now not hidden but wisely held for you.  You must come and trust Me to do the work in others and love them just the same.  Yes you have had a huge wake up call by Me this day.  I have called you to My SELF and there is no better place to be than with Me, in Me.  I keep you free of junk set to entangle your feet, but I have protected you and set you free.  Thank Me.  NOW!  This has been a great day a day of learning and dependence.,  A day of ripping off old mindsets put in place by man who’s ways are not My own.  Come and find your self fulfilled in Me and My love.  I know it all.  There is no one out of My care.  I have and AM seeking, charting, ordering, gracing.  YES  come. I AM your God and Lord and Savior and there is no other.  It matters not what Man may think.  I AM the One and Only Way to the Father.  He is Mine and I AM His.  We are One.  You and I are One if you love Me and trust Me and believe in Me as I have said.  Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thy household.  Do you believe these words spoken by My Spirit so many centuries ago through My disciples to the jailor and his family–who believed that night and were baptized.  Yes whole families are coming in one by one–they come and find Me wholly as I have said.  COME!  Do not fret or regret–just come!  Be still and calm and quiet of spirit and let Me salve your wounds and troubles away in My great love.  My light shines in the darkness and brings brilliant rays of sunshine where nothing but black has existed.  You cannot find another to fill My place.  There is no such thing.  So when you try, you are futile in your attempts and waste your energy on things that will not be.  I say to you.  Come and trust Me with your life and see what we will do together you and I.  I love you with an everlasting love declared from the Cross and the Garden, in My blood shed for you–out-poured–nothing kept for ME but all for you.  There is no other God but ME.  I AM coming soon and will return for My own?  Will you be My own?  COME and find ME.  Seek Me and you will find Me with all your heart filled to overflowing with My love, My mercy, My grace, My peace, My joy, My ALL!  Come My precious, beloved, child of Mine!

Categories: Uncategorized.

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2 Responses

  1. Berenice I am not familiar with the docnirte of Eternal Recurrence. It seems it would be something to avoid if one were to resign oneself to eternal repetition. Therefore, I can see no reason it would be embraced. (Of course, I am assuming that most religions and philosophical docnirtes are usually embraced for hope rather than despair.). (Of course, too, I am assuming that eternal ecurrence would be eternally BORING .)Rather, I look at this poem and sentiment as having been written by one who is anything BUT boring and would not abide that in herself. She has lived past lives . I believe that or choose to. (I obviously do not know her and you most likely know her.You have the advantage over me; but I am, nonetheless, pleased with this piece of poetry!). I am going to look up your own, too, dear lady.Now, I must haul my bohemian ass off to the farm. There is about four hundred acres more corn which needs shelling (GMO stuff. My cousins and I have pledged to plant at least a hundred acres of non-GMO next year for certified milling for human consumption. I think there is a market demand!)

  2. João, continua a tua luta como sempre o fizeste, pois terás sempre o nosso apoio. Terás sempre apoio de conimbricenses que vêm a cidade conspurcada com ideologias estarolas…

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