March 26, 2014

Combine with ME.  Do you know what this means for you right now?  Imagine ingredients being dumped in a bowl of you and ME–GOD.  Imagine you and ME being mixed and stirred and turned into ONE beautiful delicious tasting food–fruit–so good that everyone wants a taste.  Does that sound strange to you?  Not ME.  It’s what I have said about you and Me together.  I have said by their fruit you will know them and you have no fruit apart from My Spirit who is the fruit coming forth.  I have said taste and see that I AM good, sweeter than honey.  So if you who I know and created come and join with ME and you allow ME to mix you and blend you and lose you in ME–imagine what We get?  Yes this is what it means to come into relationship with ME.  It is magnificent for you.  It is about you and ME.  It is for all to see who come close.  It is for them to be as well.  I long for you all to be in ME–combined–together–ONE!  It is an interesting word.  Look it up!  See you often think you know a word until you look it up.  I love to see the look on your face when you discover more than what you thought I was saying.  COMBINE:  two by two; to bring into such close relationship as to obscure individual characters; merge; to cause to unite into a chemical compound; intermix; blend; to possess in combination; to become ONE; to unite to form a chemical compound; to act together; join; to harvest…SEE IT!  This is you and ME and what you’re called to be here in the earth with ME.  I have come to combine with you and change the very makeup of who you are into My image.  You are made in My image and therefore, the things of this earth cloud, poison, cause you to be tasteless, a blob of nothing apart from ME and everything with ME.  Come.  Combine with Me and be absolutely astounded and filled with joy at how your life takes flight no matter what may swirl around, it will be good to taste when I AM done!  I AM GOD and I know what I AM doing.  TRUST ME and COME.  Combine with ME and find your life!  There’s no life apart from ME.  Come!  I love you so much and can’t wait for you to see what WE will be together.  Your flesh and self becomes obscure dies out in My presence with ME and you discover more than you ever dreamed you could be–My plans for you to prosper you and not to harm you.  Blessed are you.  Happy and Joyful.  My poiema–POEM–workmanship–combining you and ME together.  Oh what JOY it is for ME. I’m dancing all around you and rejoicing that you want to  be with ME.  COME.

Designed by Tim Sainburg from Brambling Design

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