April 18, 2014

I speak!  I said I do, I would.  Why do you of all people doubt that I AM speaking to anyone who will listen to ME; 24-7?  This doubting that My children do about ME MUST stop in My Name.  I AM God and there is no other.  If I say I speak, I do!  If your brother or sister say that I have said it and they hear My voice you better believe them.  Try listening for your SELF for a change!  Did you see that I said, try listening to ME, not you.  You listen to much to your SELF and that is why you can’t hear My voice speaking to you–loud and clear, yet gentle, soft, demanding that you must desire to hear ME.  Deaf ears cannot hear My voice.  I said, come and hear My voice, not your own; which will always make more sense to you, than Me.  Flesh loves flesh!  That’s why it must die in order to hear Me and follow Me.  Flesh wars against ME, My Spirit and your own spirit in you.  Your flesh wants it’s own way and has always led you astray.  Your spirit linked one in Me and with ME will win out over flesh, only when you, your SELF decide to die in the moment and let Spirit reign–Me.  Yes.  God Calling for 4/17 says it well.  You must relinquish, resign your throne position and allow ME to be seated in you.  I desire to dwell with you and do, but few of you have allowed Me to actually sit on the throne of your life, take over as the HEAD, MASTER, KING!  You rule and reign supreme from your own puny authority apart from Me–you can do nothing!  So I wait.  My love is patient and kind and does not demand it’s own way.  I have done the cross, finished the grave, AM Alive and well, waiting to lead you into all that I AM doing.  Will you choose to relinquish the throne and come sit here, beside ME as we make all enemies Our footstool.  There is no great joy, than to be with Me, in ME, here, Home!  Home is where I AM.  I AM in the earth with Mine by Spirit and in heaven with Mine as well.  I AM omnipresent, here, there, and everywhere.  Yes!  I can orchestrate appointments for you with Me and Mine because I desire to have you there with Me and actually take My SELF there in you as the vessel.  I can fix all things.  I redeem all things.  I AM GOD and there is no other.  It is time for BELIEF, not doubt.  The word Believe only has merit in believing TRUTH.  I AM Truth.  Believing in something doesn’t make it so, unless it is SO!  I AM!  Come and enjoy the REST of your life in Me, and with ME.  I AM GOD.  I AM HERE.  I LOVE you totally and completely.  I will do it.  Read My words to David in Psalms 91 and see how much I will do on your behalf.  COME!

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