June 18, 2014

YOU need ME NOW!  You need Me at all times throughout your day.  I AM with you 24-7 and never leave you so why do you struggle through all of this by your SELF.  That is the reason.  SELF is a huge fortress of pride and ego that you don’t even know exists because you live inside and can’t stand back and see what I SEE!  I AM here and waiting for you to take a trip with ME outside and help ME tear the walls of YOU down, the fortress built by YOU for no GOOD reason except to SELF PROTECT; which alienates you from ME and MY GOOD purposes and plans for your life.  COME!  Don’t be afraid.  Your spirit longs to be free of all this disturbance that goes on daily of your soul.  Your mind is constantly frazzled by things whirling and twirling around you, NOT OF ME!  My mind is always at REST and PEACE, and I have said, “Let this mind be in you which is in Christ, Jesus–ME!”  Do you see what I AM saying to you this day, right here, right NOW!  I continue to call you to ME and repeat many things that you are still trying to learn.  You are My child and therefore, I have much patience with you as you learn your lessons and struggle to walk and talk and STAND up firm and mature in ME and who I AM.  See!  That is the difference.  You are striving to make YOU be right.  I have not called you to be right.  I have called you to ME and I AM Righteousness.  You are the Righteousness of God–ME–In Christ Jesus.  That is the only Righteousness WE NOW SEEK!  We are not trying to improve you, but shift you to be in My Image.  You will die to your SELF and let MY presence come forth out of you as MUCH FRUIT.  I AM the fruit that people seek.  When they come to you, you will not be barren.  You will be filled up with ME and bursting forth with fruit on your branch as you stay more and more connected to ME THE VINE!  I pray for you.  I intercede for you.  I STAND in the GAP for you.  I have saved you and brought you to MY SELF for such a time as this.  You are alive and well in ME.  Be all that you can be–not in your SELF–but in dying to SELF, humbling your SELF, going low and finding all you ever hoped to be in ME.  COME!  NOW IS THE TIME!  I AM HERE!  Be no longer afraid to step out and TRUST ME!  I AM who I say that I AM.  I AM GOD!

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