March 14, 2010

March 14, 2010

HI!  Why would you think it funny that I would say “Hi” to you?  Do you speak this way with each other?  I live with you.  Do we speak to each other as friends or do you ignore Me this day?  I have come to dwell with you and in you and you in Me.  You now live and move and have your being in Me.  You are MY house.  I dwell in you, My living vessel of representation in the earth.  Do you see this?  This has been missed by many.  You do not rule yourself.  I have come in to live and dwell with you and create in you My habitation, My dwelling place.  I desire to have intimate communion with you.  A closeness known only to those in marriage.  That is our relationship.  We are becoming ONE, you and the Father and ME.  That was My prayer and still is.  I have longed for you to be MINE and no one elses.  There is nothing you need do but COME.  I do the rest.  I create a place of REST and PEACE for you in My embrace that supersedes all that the world can offer you on any level.  Try Me and see.  Trust Me with yourself.  You have tried for so long to take care of yourself with My help on the side.  This is not the case.  You must cease striving and come to Me.  I do the work.  You are in My hands of love and grace.  All is well.  I know that there is much you do not know or understand.  That is for Me to tell you all things and lead and guide you as you become more and more ready to handle new levels of truth and glory from Our Throne room to your heart, Our home in the earth. Yes you!  Come and be blessed and refreshed in US this day.  We have you secured in and love you.  If you long to know more read My words in scripture.  However, I will speak directly to your heart and soul through My Spirit as well.  Trust His words as coming from Me.  I love you.  You are Mine.  Believe and Receive.

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