April 15, 2010

I Am calling and no one is answering. I Am calling my children night and day, day and night and few are caring enough to pick up and hear Me. You answer your cell phones without even a thought. If it rings you are quick to answer or at least see who it is. I have been calling My own to come and hear Me and few take the time. So busy, so distressed, so tired, so weary, so frozen; wondering what in the world to do. I have the answers at all times for all things. There’s nothing I don’t know. I have said, “Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and mighty things you do not know.” However, I Am desperately calling out to you, My child, with all the love that I AM. My love is clean and pure and true. I AM LOVE. There’s nothing I can’t do for you. I AM calling and asking you to believe Me. To come to Me. To seek Me out for everything. I see your struggle and know how to help. Solving is My name. All is Mine. Nothing too hard for Me. Come. Believe. Receive all that I desire to give you, to share with you, to tell you, to astound and refresh and renew you this day. COME! I LOVE YOU. YOU ARE MINE!

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