April 19, 2010

Me! I call you to Me. There’s no better place to be. Do you believe ME! I Am not a man that I would lie to you, nor lead you astray, nor distract and confuse you with things not true. I do not speak in double talk. I make things clear and plain to those listening, calling out My name. Come to ME and find that I Am all you ever hoped I’d be and more. So much more than you could ever hope or dream or realize with your mind apart from ME. I do all things well. I have a plan and it is on time, not late. Wait at the gate, ready, prepared, looking, hoping, expecting Me. I do not keep you waiting unnecessarily, but We are working on your behalf and doing things you cannot see. Therefore, OUR time here supersedes your’s there. Do you hear what I AM saying to you this day. It’s not about failure or being forgotten, or left behind, or disapproval that you stand at a gate wondering where I AM.
I Am here and have never left, though you cannot always see My presence with you, I AM there, in you, yet here working. It is the Mystery of the greatness of your GOD and LORD and SAVIOR. Omniscient, All knowing–ME! Omnipotent, All power is MINE to harness as I see fit. Omnipresent, Everywhere all at the same time. With you, with them, here, there and everywhere. Complete knowledge of all things. Creator and sustainer of all things. Your mind cannot conceive of this and many have dumped it out as untrue, much to their own detriment and foolishness. It is foolish to say there is no GOD. I AM HE. I AM ME!
I call you to ME and love you beyond anything you could ever comprehend or conceive of. I AM LOVE! It all comes from Me. Anything less is not love at all but SELF’s desires and needs being fulfilled through and for another. It is mind boggling I know. That is why I feed you things in bits and pieces as you can handle them. Yes, like a cherrio to a babe who has no teeth. However, I expect Mine to become mature with the ability to eat great meat. Meals sent directly to you from My throne room where all the strategy of the grand scheme has been in place since before the worlds were made. So there is a peace and calm and knowing of all things that has not disturbed US here in the least. Do you get this? We are not disturbed, distressed, distraught, or troubled by any thing amiss. Nothing is from our vantage point here. We know everything that will happen forward and backward and all that is in between. WE KNOW! Isn’t that what you all wish. That you could know things ahead of time, or when you need to. I have promised to tell you and lead you and AM doing so for those listening and coming to ME. Come to ME. Don’t think you can live this life on your own. You must have ME. Who is man that he thinks he can do things on his own? GOD is GOD and without Him there is nothing made that was made, nor can you do anything without Him–ME!
Therefore, I AM calling My children home to ME! Some are coming here to ME to live and others are being called to ME there in the earth to hear and work with Me in these last day events that are so critical and magnificent to Father’s Grand Plan that will not be stopped or thwarted by any mere man upon the earth, nor devil or demon. I have conquered all. I have all authority over all. It will be made known and manifest in the earth soon enough. Join ME this day. My love, My Bride, My Body, My church, My Re-Presenter in the earth of truth and life, health, redemption, forgiveness, grace, mercy. All! COME TO ME! I love you!

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