April 22, 2010

Today is My day, not yours. Sounds funny to you, but it’s true. As Mine your day is Mine. You live and move and have your being in Me, not the other way around. Do you see the difference? This is a huge mind shift for most of you out there who think it is all about your schedule, your planner, your work, your thoughts, your creations, your programs, your hopes, yours dreams, your, your, your! Yes! I call you this day to a new way with Me. It will no longer be about you and never has been. I call Mine to dump all that is SELF connected and come live with Me. I need all the help I can get from My children right now. My sons and daughters are being called out to Myself and there is nothing that is going to stop them with Me. I AM God and the Creator of all things. Are you with Me? This is it. Things are quickly happening in the earth and there is not much time even from your perspective though Our’s here is miniscule at best. Time is short and so many still need Me, the real ME. The untainted true picture of Me. I AM ripping off lies and deceit from many minds right now My self. I AM doing it through sleep and times of quiet and in some cases through great trials to get them awake to My presence and the need of their help right now in My Kingdom efforts coming forth in the earth. So be still and quiet and listen to Me. Hear My commands and do them quickly without regret, remorse or even looking back to see what’s left behind. There’s no time but forward movement must advance right now at a high rate of speed in My Spirit’s direction. Listen carefully. Not to your own thoughts and spins on things, but to Mine; which may astound and confound you at first, but you will get it as I direct you.
All is well. Come and find your SELF in Me. What seems dead will be alive in Me. Self must be burried so that I can live in and through you. As you come, you find a life you never dreamed existed in Me. I AM Abundant life. Come and be blessed and refreshed in Me. I have you secured into My SELF and all is well this day. Come. Join Me. All of Heaven is rejoicing and excited at what is about to happen. BELIEVE! ME! TODAY!

Categories: Uncategorized.

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