September 8, 2013

“I beseech you therefore brethren” is in the scripture–the Bible.  Just heard GOD say “Beseech” as the title for this post so I went and looked it up in the dictionary.  It means to beg earnestly or anxiously, insistently.  It is used in scripture several times inspired by the Spirit–so I’ll let Him say what HE has to say to us today about it.  Just wanted to make sure we all understood before we start.  Here goes as I listen and type….

YES I said it to you, yet you questioned if you heard ME right, but you did.  I GOD, beg you with everything in My heart to hear Me and come to ME NOW while there is still time.  My time is short in tarrying and waiting for the sons of man to decide to believe I AM who I say I AM.  I have been patiently waiting for centuries to send MY SON back to you and accomplish more of OUR plan.  HE will be back soon to rule and to reign among the sons of man, though many will oppose Him out of ignorance and PRIDE of life and power they desired.  He will rule and reign in peace as I have spoken of in scripture.  However, His rule and reign will not be without opposition at the first.  He is mustering His armies in Heaven and on earth.  His followers too great to number.  He is in charge and in control and all the leaders of the nations of the earth will soon enough see HIS GLORY displayed before their own eyes.  I AM GOD and I DO NOT LIE.  I AM all TRUTH and LIFE and those that find Me find their lives to the fullest measure for all eternity.  Those who choose to ignore ME out of ignorance and PRIDE will find themselves at odds with GOD, the Father of all things.  All things were created by Him and for Him and by Him all things exist.  Your very breath comes and goes within you based on My command that you have life in this moment.  It matters not if you believe or not–it is the TRUTH and TRUTH is TRUTH.  It is not a relative thing–TRUTH exists and IS!  TRUTH IS ME–GOD OF ALL.  My SON has been declared King of Kings and LORD of LORDS forever.  Nothing man can do will change that.  Man is led astray into destruction by the one who knows the TRUTH and tried to seize it for himself.  He is the father of lies and insinuates for you to listen and take in the sin of his lies and eat—In-SIN–U-ATE.  It is why I CAME to earth to set My precious children free of his tyranny and imprisonment–to set My captive children free.  I AM doing it heart by heart around the globe each day.  Twenty Four-seven I neither sleep nor slumber–for My eyes are constantly roving to and fro throughout the earth looking for those whose hearts are ready to see ME and Believe in Me and accept Me into their lives.  I AM GOD and I give you all that I AM and all that I HAVE.  When I come to live and reign among you for 1,000 years I will display My full ability to love you, and all that I have planned will be tasted as if by appetizer to get you ready for My place prepared for you.  My KINGDOM is not of this world, but will come and dwell among you. I will chain the deceiver for a time away.  It is written the lion and lamb will lie down together as no one will deceive them in My presence.  I will COME soon.  Do not shrink back in unbelief.  Live with ME now.  There’s no more joy than in My presence.  It is fullness of joy, peace, life, and health to be with Me and in Me.  Those of earth’s realm do not seek a Savior.  They are oblivious to their need for ME.  They seek their pleasures anywhere they can find them and satisfy their flesh from morning till night in constant search of what their heart desires.  However, there is only one answer for the soul’s desire.  It is ME.  Seek ME and find all that you have thought was lost or not available to you.  I have completed all the requirements against you.  Your debt of sin and self has been paid for by ME on the cross of shame in My own Blood.  I have redeemed you from the auction block of destruction.  All you need do is come and take My hand and follow Me into a life worth living–one you didn’t think was possible.  All lies to deceive you away from the truth.  The devil wants no one to have what he lost.  He lost all for SELF.  He seeks to shroud you in SELF protection and cover you with shame and make you believe the lie–that I AM against you, mad at you, seek your doom.  I came to spare you all of that and give you abundant life.  Find ME as your best friend, your brother.  My Father has adopted you into the family of God.  You are sons and daughters–those who choose to believe that I have come to save you.  Believe in ME–JESUS.  Seek Me and find Me with all your heart.  I have plans still waiting for you, to prosper you and not to harm you when you seek Me with your whole heart.  Let go of your SELF and FIND ME and FIND YOUR LIFE.  COME  I love you all.  Don’t wait another minute.  Give it all up to find Me and be with Me.  You are not coming to be My servant–but to serve with Me.  I serve all men with love and grace and mercy.  COME enjoy the rest of eternity with ME.  I JESUS call you My own.  Will you be?

Categories: Uncategorized.


August 23, 2013

I have a main event planned every moment, every day of your life.  Are you aware!  Do you see!  Do you hear!  Do you listen to Me.  If you desire to know ME as your Father, God, and LORD, you will be absolutely stunned and amazed at what I do for you and through you.  There is so much happening in the earth by ME that you would be astounded and shocked to see it all.  Your senses would be absolutely overloaded if I did not control what you see and know to fit with your ability to handle and bear the weight of MY GLORY AND KINGDOM coming in the earth.  It is happening all around you and in hearts not seen by man.  I AM finding MY own every second of every day.  You are known by ME, every one of you.  There’s no one who has ever been born that I don’t know completely, form, create, bring forth, give breath and individually nurture their heart to come to a moment to choose ME or reject ME.  I long for each to choose to love ME and let Me live life to the fullest with them, with you.  However, so many have believed the lies and the junk that is served up by the world and completely miss all that I have for them.  Deception runs deep and dark like a fog that blinds.  That is the game against My very own.  I never leave or walk away, abandon or think ill of you.  I know every single trick that is used against you, every moment of every day.  However, I wait for you to ask for My help.  I need you to want Me and desire My help.  I have promised to keep you and protect you and shelter you and no one can take your life but ME.  You or someone may try but no life is taken without My knowledge of everything, and My permission from before you were made.  All your days were written before one occurred.  TRUST ME.  I know that some things make no sense to you for what seems evil and wicked and horrific for so many alive and now dead.  I see every baby, every child, and every person.  I know their life, the good and the sad.  If you call on Me I will supply all you need to live out the moment.  I give wisdom and strength for all that comes.  Even My little ones abandoned by death, are still cared for and ministered to by My hand unseen.  I do not have throw away children, and you are My precious one.  Every one can be ONE with ME!  Just come when I call and I’ve been calling you since the moment you were born.  I have been calling My children home for over 2,000 years when I FINISHED the debt retirement program in My own BLOOD!  I love you and there’s so much more to tell you and help you with.  COME.  I AM Calling.  As you wish your child would come when you call–so do I!  COME!

Categories: Uncategorized.


August 16, 2013

Succotash! Sounds funny to you doesn’t it?  Maybe you’ve never heard of this word.  It’s an old word of great tastes mixed together as one.  That is exactly what I’m doing with you, MY children.  I love every one of you and bring you together when I see fit to blend and to taste of Me and to share ME with others.  Taste and see that the LORD is good and wonderful and full of GOOD things for you in My heart.  OH if you could only see and hear and know what’s in My heart for you right now, this moment.  You can!  I AM here as close as your breath which actually is MINE.  You breathe because I let you, I breathed My life into you and put your spirit inside your body.  I desire to share life here with you and forever.  You are an eternal being and where and how you spend your life eternal is entirely up to you now.  I have done ALL that I can do to show you My love and to bring your redemption from the prison of satan’s lies and deceptions and sin back home to ME.  I hung on the cross for you.  I made this place in the earth for you to live and love and share life together as One with Me.  I came down to restore what was robbed of the first precious children, My Adam and My Eve.  For all of the years My plan was perfect, in place, ready to come at the right time and season.  I came and I lived and I died and I came back to life, conquering death and all those who held My precious children captive.  I set you all free.  I CRIED out from the Cross–it is FINISHED!  BELIEVE.  I help you, I hope for you, I have plans for you.  I KNOW all about you and that is what you need the most–ME and My love and help.  Let go of your stubborn, SELF protective Pride and surrender your heart and love to Me and Mine and find that you are finally complete–One–made in My image–to be My precious child.  HELP ME!  My heart longs for you and needs you.  COME HOME to ME.  Do you desire your children to want you and need you and be with you?  YES!  That is My heart too!  I made you, designed you–PERFECT!  One of a kind!  No two of Mine alike.  Precious, special, wonderful to Me.  I have asked you to come to Me and find your life–more than you ever dreamed possible.  All the money, position, power, authority, things in the world will never ever be able to give you one ounce of what I, GOD, your Father, Lord, Savior, KING, have in store for you. I AM coming back, returning to earth sooner than you think.  MY OWN will reign with ME.  BE ONE!  COME!  I love you.  I AM WAITING!

Categories: Uncategorized.


August 12, 2013

Peace!  What is it?  Do you know?  It is talked about all the time, what does it mean to you?  Do you want it?  Does it matter to you?  People say, “I just want a little peace and quiet!”  What are you asking for?  This is available only in ME  There is no peace in the world.  All fake, fantasy, phantom, not there.  I AM PEACE!  I came to give you peace–real peace.  A peace that goes deep to the core cell of your being and radiates out in centric circles throughout your soul, body, spirit and mind relieving tension, stress, dread, fears, foreboding, and junk.  Sounds crazy, impossible, BUT I AM POSSIBLE!  I AM!  I AM God, your creator, Father, designer of YOU!  I love you and know you as you’ll never know your SELF.  I know exactly what is needed by you at every second of every day.  There’s nothing I don’t know about you.  Now that might trouble some of you, but I’m not troubled by you.  I have redeemed you to My SELF.  I have taken care of what is troubling you and have the answers all here waiting for you.  Do you believe that I exist?  IF not, that’s your first problem and a quick slide into no peace at all.  Oh you might think you have peace, but there is no peace apart from ME.  It is a figment of your imagination based on surroundings, circumstances, and things that are of no essence or substance at all.  I and MY Kingdom are truth, reality, all that IS–IS in ME!  Everything exists by Me and from Me including you.  You do not keep your SELF alive from day to day–I DO!   I have great plans of love and abundance for your spirit the real you–if you will choose to listen to what I AM telling you, believe Me and live with Me.  It is an amazing wonderful journey for all who COME to ME.  I AM your home.  I have one ready for you here and walk with you there in the earth.  Most do not think that I exist as I have said, so doubt Me, throw Me aside as child’s play, not for adults.  However, you are a child deep inside.  A child is the real you.  A child is where you are the most real.  That is why I call you to come as a child.  Drop your adult non-sense and come to ME.  I will make you more than you have ever dreamed to be because My plans are perfect, precise, strategically planned for you and your design.  You are a prototype, one of a kind–never to be again–person.  I need you.  I love you.  I made you.  I call to you to come to Me.  See if what I say is true.  Test Me and try Me out.  Find out if I AM real.  You will know and see for your SELF.  I love you.  I have nothing against you, your slate is free and clear in My Son’s blood.  WE, HE and I celebrate you and dance over you and rejoice over you and your life that we have planned for you.  Please come home to us.  Our arms are always open wide with no condemnation inside.  It’s all gone, finished, done, paid.  The only ones who lose will be those who tell me NO.  I don’t want You or Your son–will be the statement that denies ME access to the heart.  I stand at the door of every heart, knocking to be welcomed in to live our life together.  YOU CHOOSE!

Categories: Uncategorized.


July 30, 2013

Vacate with ME–the best time you will have is listening to Me and letting Me change what you think and how you live one moment at a time.  This is the most exciting time of your life–it is the only time you have.  Every moment is a gift from Me.  Every breath here comes from My own.  I breathe new life into the baby and place the spirit in the man–the who!  Do you know who you are or they?  I do.  I want to have you with Me in all I do.  There’s so much joy to be had by you in every day.  I know you are learning and listening and hearing and being.  Just keep on coming when I call.  Yes there’s nothing better than being with Me in My work and finding all you ever dreamed and more was buried deep inside of you.  You can’t keep trying to find your way, you’re lost, side tracked from ME.  Oh yes the switchman throws the track to shoot you off from Me.  He uses common side effects and signs to point the way.  This is his daily focus, to keep you far from Me, afraid of who I AM and what I’ll say.  Yet as you shoot from here to there and never know your way, you’re missing out on all the best that I have planned for WE–you and ME!  Sounds crazy to the world’s viewpoint for it is steeped in sleep, in slime, in total disillusionment from what the truth could bring.  I AM the truth, the life, the way and there’s no other plan.  I AM GOD and I decide exactly what’s to be.  However, man thinks he has got the right and stuff to be, so he plays god of SELF all day and night, much to My heart’s great grief. My Spirit longs to care for him, but he won’t have a part of it, thinks he knows everything.  It’s like you with little grandchildren who want to do it their way, so sure they can and know!  But you sit by and watch with care as they try their way, their plan.  You stand right by, you’re ready with your hand of help, and that is what I do.  I have never turned My back away, or walked off in disgust of you.  I love you and there’s nothing you can ever do to change that truth of ME.  I wait here right beside you patient, holding out My hand in hopes you’ll trust, take hold.  For if you do, the things We’d do would leave you speechless, full!  I say all this to challenge you, to read My words to you.  I’ve spoken them through history written down as Bible words.  I speak them still to listening ears, and some write them for you.  You can hear My words each day to you here in this blog of Mine, or come to Me yourself with pen and listen, write with Me.  I’ve done it through the ages, so many hear My voice.  I long for all of you to hear Me, listen, Oh what We could do together.  I love this planet I created, all those walking on it.  That includes you and those who yet will come.  I send them constantly, My children, little ones, to you.  Some are welcomed in precious arms of love and adoration.  Others are cut up in pieces sent packing back to Me, their bodies yet obliterated by man’s horrific plans.  But I have every child with Me, their spirits live right on.  The parents they will meet some day, if they come home to ME.  Home with Me is constant–Love–relationship.  I AM here and I AM going nowhere else.  It’s up to you to choose.  Come live with Me, the King of Kings, not just a king of earth.  All that I AM is yours as heirs, I said it through My SON.  JESUS loves you, yes He does.  He set Himself aside and did it all for you.  Denied His identity daily in order to press forward to the cross, in order to finish and redefine, restore what we had started.  NOW COME!  Join US!  We love you and We’re here.  We WAIT patiently with so much more abundant life to share with you.  COME!

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