March 28, 2012

What does it mean when a child says, “MINE!”  It’s ownership!  They are saying, “no, don’t touch, it belongs to me, I have control over it, it’s my own to hold, play with, have.”  There is so much more behind the simple word “MINE!”  I say it now to you this day.  You are MINE!  See it!  Valentines Day declares “Be MINE!”  Why is that so important to people, to lovers, to everyone human?  Why do you want someone to be yours and you to be someones?  See it!  There is a need built into your spirit, soul, and body to belong!  I put it there, because it is ME.  I belong to Father and Father belongs to Me.  My Spirit binds us together as One.  I desire you to be One with Me, with US.  We made you for OUR SELVES!  We are God!  There is nothing so magnificient as being a child of the One and Only True and LIVING GOD AND KING, JESUS!  I call you MINE because I now have ownership of ALL!  I have paid the price for your freedom from sin’s death sentence on your very life and person.  You are free.  My ownership is not slavery, but FREEDOM!  It is for FREEDOM that I have set you free this day and all others.  It is to bring you into My banqueting house and set before you all that is God’s.  As MINE, everything that belongs to ME, belongs to you as well.  You are MY child, My heir!  Everything I do, I do for you.  I serve you.  I came to serve and not be served.  I served you on the cross with My very life and blood.  I served you by conquering death, and setting you free.  If you believe in Me and accept My invitation to be My child, and I your Father, King, Savior, Lord, you are free of death.  The body may die, but you, who you really are, the spirit that lives in your body–is eternal.  I offer you eternal LIFE in My Kingdom in My presence.  For those who choose to ignore Me and not believe Me and what I have said, they are dead in their tresspasses and sins and will be judge accordingly for rejecting ME.  I AM GOD.  There is no other.  You cannot manufacture a god of your own making.  There is no such thing.  You cannot decide to combine me with other gods known only to man and not ME.  I AM! that I AM!  I have always been and always will be.  I AM the Alpha and the OMEGA, the beginning and the end.  All other gods placed before Me will fall and are nothing but dead wood and stone.  They speak not for they have nothing to say.  I AM GOD and I speak continually to MINE.  My Spirit dwells in you and links you to Me 24-7.  I AM here among you and seeking MY own, those who will choose ME and love ME and be with ME and desire ME and spend time with ME and learn of ME.  It is the same as when I walked the earth.  Many followed and some day every knee will bow before ME.  I will have all honor and all glory.  It will be!  You will see me coming on the clouds of glory sooner than you think.  I will reign supreme.  All principalities, rulers of darkness, authorities in the heavenly realms will be silenced, chained, and are defeated and know it already.  I AM the supreme GOD of ALL that exists, made by Me and for ME and MINE.  Do not think that there is another.  There is NOT!  Come and seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.  There is nothing more of any value in life, than Me and being MINE!  I created you with a plan so supernatural that only I can bring it about in your life.  You must come and trust Me with everything that you are.  Enjoy Me!  I have EVERYTHING TO GIVE YOU AND NOTHING FOR YOU TO LOSE, BUT EVERYTHING FOR YOU TO GAIN.  Apart from Me you can do nothing.  All things that appear to be, come from ME.  There is no knowledge apart from Me.  I give mankind all knowledge they possess.  There is nothing in man of himself, but arrogance and ignorance.  All Wisdom comes from Me because I AM the source of all–all that there is of Me.  I made all and can define, explain and give understanding to all as I see fit.  COME!  Believe to Receive and confound the wisest of men with ME, your God, your Lord, your Friend, your ALL!  I love you, My child, MINE!

Designed by Tim Sainburg from Brambling Design

Categories: Uncategorized.

Yes! What do you want?

January 31, 2012

This is what most people think about ME! That I Am an ogre up in the sky who shouts back with an impatient “What do you want?” That couldn’t be further from the truth of who I AM! Do you really care to know who I AM or are you content to keep listening to the voices around you making the decision for you. This is a person journey. I AM a personal God. I do things one on one with you, alone, and between us. Some things are for everyone and enjoyed by everyone, but for the most part My love relationship with you as My child is personal, intimate, secretive, stealth, perfected, precise, designed to fit you personally into abundant life with Me moment by moment of every day. There’s nothing like it on planet earth. I can promise you that nothing there can ever compete with Me and who I AM and want to be in your life if you will allow Me the great privilege of being your Dad–Father. For some that scrapes a nerve because they already have a great Dad. For others it makes them angry, they hate even the concept of Father. But you have not met ME if either case is true. I gave you your earthly Dad by bloodline and geneology as you refer to it. However, your true bloodline is from Me through Adam and Noah and on down to you. You are made in My image and it is stamped all over you inside and out. Check out Laminin and see what you think then if you doubt Me. I AM creator of all things, including you, your dad, and everyone else you know. There is no one greater than I AM. I will define you and release you. My plans and time are perfected over you. You have to desire to have My purposes for your life, then we can work together you and I in the earth to accomplish greater things than you ever dreamed possible. Your dreams are mediocre compared to Mine for you. I made you. Come and see what I have in mind for you. Trust Me with your life. I love you completely My child.

Designed by Tim Sainburg from Brambling Design

Categories: Uncategorized.


January 1, 2012

New Days! I AM. I AM here and now. You look at years today. A new year. I look at days planned before the foun dation of the world was laid. I see you and know you and the day in front of you. It is My focus. I AM here. I AM with you in this day. Yesterday is gone and behind you. Tomorrow is not available to you as yet. Today is your focus with Me and I need you greatly to focus on Me and My plans with you for this day. There is extremely important things to be done in the earth with you and with Me together. I want you to love Me and be excited about everything. You will see Me in it. Yes I know what you’re thinking and feeling today. Do not fear man’s time table. I have My own and it supercedes all of man’s ideas; his are nothing. I AM GOD and I have the plan! It is timeless and sure. It will be brought forth as I have declared. All who trust Me will know and see things as I make them clear and open for sight in the realm of the spirit where I dwell with you, MY Kingdom. It does impact, control and surround the world you live in with Me. Come and be very, very still in this thing.
I have called you and will continue to speak truth to your ear. Hear Me and trust Me. Obey Me in all things and do not sort your own way. Mine will lead you forward into My work, with Me and Father here in the earth. I love you and find you to be My precious one. Do you love Me? Find your self defeated as you come closer still in spirit with Me. It will be your complete and full joy. TRUST ME THIS DAY! It is a day I made for you. I AM HERE! Do not fear. Stay with Me. Trust Me not your sight. My words to you pull you closer still to hear My voice and know Me and what I’m up to in the earth. All is well because I AM GOD. I AM WELL! There is none above Me. ALL IS KNOWN TO ME and fit into My plan, designed for salvation, restoration, recovery of all that is MINE…..ALL! Come. Believe and receive Me. Do not reject Me. Hand in Mine, heart Mine, mind Mine….one together in Spirit…you and ME! Love is ALL I AM–all around–be LOVE to ALL! ME to all!
Designed by Tim Sainburg from Brambling Design

Categories: Uncategorized.


December 14, 2011

I can’t help you if you won’t listen to Me. Do you hear what I AM saying to you. I AM God and you are not. Yet you listen to your own thoughts all day long and think that you are so smart and courageous when what you do and accomplish comes only through Me to you. I AM all wisdom. There is no one that I don’t help in life. I AM the giver of all life. No one lives without Me. I breathe life into your very body and I take breath and life when the time is right. It is not for you to know and understand these things, however, I AM willing to give answers when I AM asked by those who’s hearts are after Me. I cloud your view on purpose some days in order to get you to depend on Me for your very substance in that day. Apart from Me you can do nothing in your SELF, though many hail each other as kings, and rulers, and blessed with intelligence and abilities–yes, from ME. They think it is somehow made up within themselves. NO! There is a GOD, the only GOD and WISE FATHER of us all. He is Mine and you are Mine. He declares over your life what you will be and calls you forth to come and be all that He desires. He knows you very well and designed you, knows all there is to know about you. Everything. Your giftings and talents they come direct from ME to YOU. I AM HE. WE ARE ONE in the earth and working out OUR plans for all to know and be loved and be free. Too many reject us as unimportant, old fashioned, for women, not macho. My WORD–I AM the ALMIGHTY GOD, My very breath can blow away the planets including the one you stand upon and hail your SELF as great and mighty and wondrous among your SELVES. SEE how foolish it is to ignore the GOD who made you, loves you, knows you, defines you, declares you in the spiritual realm as HIS CHILD! This is beyond our wildest dreams and imaginings that the GOD and CREATOR of the universe declares us His own. He does, but few come near, call upon Him and desire Him. He longs for Father daughter son relationship with you who are listening at this moment to HIS Words declared here in this page. There is nothing more spectacular thaN GOD HIM SELF and yet we hold the offerings of the world up to our SELVES and think them astounding and profound. OH! NO! How can it be that man can see a tree, a thumb, an eye, a horse, a pearl, a nightengale, a topaz, a peach, a child, a whale and think that I CAN’T BE! How foolish is the man who says there is no GOD. I AM! I AM HE! I AM HERE among you and seeking My own. I long for relationship with those I love. I love all. COME and find ME more than you could have imagined or dreamed of. MY FULLNESS is around you and surrounding you and guiding and protecting you. When you decide to look, see, and listen you will hear the mysteries of heaven poured out to your ear, in spirit and in truth you will find ME–ALL you need in this earth. COME and BE BLESSED!
Designed by Tim Sainburg from Brambling Design

Categories: Uncategorized.


November 17, 2011

Good News is God News and God is Good News to all who hear of Me and what I do. I call you forth to tell of Me this day and declare that I AM. Real, alive, full of hope and life and health to all and everyone who lives. I AM your Father, your maker, creator and know all things about you–all things! Do you see what I AM saying this day to you and yours. There is nothing you need fear. Be afraid of nothing for I have declared it over and over and over to My children. I have you secured into Me and know all things about your life and health and substance. I do all things well. I HEAL in My time and in My way and you can trust Me with this. I know that there is much you cannot see of what I do and My realm that supercedes yours. Come and learn of Me and find your spirit soaring with Me as One together. Flesh will die off and have no more power and authority over you as you come and live and dwell with Me and in Me. There is much I desire to seek out with you. As you come and grow beyond your SELF to Me you will find out who you really are. Your spirit will be set free of the bondage and rule of fleshly lusts that have controlled you since childhood. Lusts for everything from food to having your own way in all things. This is a huge deterent to our work together. I know that you long to know and understand things that come your way. So come to Me the source of all knowledge and I will be answering your questions before you can even ask them. I know your thoughts and thus will provide what you need in all areas. I help. I lead. I convict. I stall, for timing is Mine in all things. I know this sounds strange to some, but this is Kingdom Living which I declared to you and asked of you who follow Me. You will be living in My Kingdom’s realm and thus under My sway more and more each day till we are truly one in spirit as I have declared that we will be together you, and I. It is the most fun and enjoyable existence possible. Nothing can get near you but what I have need of it for you are My workmanship created in Christ Jesus Lord and Son and Savior of All. I AM your Lord and Father, God of all. There is no other god before Me. Come and enjoy Me and love Me and find your fulfillment completed 100 percent in My presence. The Joy of the Lord is your strength. My strength is made perfect in weakness. Come and be astounded with Me on this great and wonder-filled journey together. You and ME!
I love you this day and all others. Come.

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