October 30, 2010

Help! is a cry for help. What is that? What is it that you want in that moment? What is it that you need in that moment? HELP! Help is the need of the spirit superceding the flesh to admit that you need. Whatever it is–you need at that moment. What could this do for you to realize need all the time? Need of Me, here in you, all the time. Need, means something is lacking. The lacking is what is needed. I AM here. I have promised to fulfill and supply all your needs at every moment of every day for all of eternity. To call for help is to ask someone else to help, to assist you in an area where you are inadequate in your SELF, and there in is the rub of this. It is SELF being pushed aside by the spirit of the person to cry out for HELP! It may be as simple as directions or how to, but it may also be life and death hanging in the balance, yet both require the same. A cry for HELP brings immediate assistance by most people, yet few realize that I AM there in that moment and supplying all that is needed and necessary for the situation, the need, the help desired. Do you see what I AM trying to say today. I AM YOUR HELP and your ALL for EVERY NEED! There is nothing too big or too hard for Me today. Whatever it is that is troubling you and you are trying so hard to figure out on your own, let go of it and come to Me for help. I have the help needed. All the answers to everything are found in Me. There is nothing I don’t know. There is nothing I don’t see. There is nothing I don’t understand. There is nothing that confounds Me, but all is from Me, designed by Me and held together by Me. All good is emmanating from My pulse, My being. All evil is still held in check by My knowledge and My power to control things that exist beyond your realm and sphere and scope. There is much that you can’t see. That is why to call to Me and I will answer is the key to unlock many doors that heretofore have been locked up tight by man and things unknown to him, as yet to be discovered. I know that things I say often cause you to doubt Me, but DO NOT! For I AM God and I cannot lie and therefore what I say is absolute truth and can be trusted forever and today. Whatever it is, there is an answer. Whatever you wonder, there is truth. Whatever you need, there is supply. Whatever you think, I know. Whatever you want, I have. Whatever you need, I AM!
Come and believe and see that everything I tell you is truth this day. There is no one who can HELP you but ME! Oh you can call out to humans for understanding and support in your crisis but their help is temporary at best. I AM! I AM GOD! I AM for all time past and forward. I AM. There is no other answer. I AM! Come and believe and trust in Me and find the greatest relationship you have ever desired fulfilled in the oneness of WE Three and you! This was My plea, My desire, My task. The Cross created the path and all you need do is come! So simple. Just come! Be with US! We love you this day and WE WILL HELP YOU! YOU will see! Believe

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