December 28, 2010

Help Me sounds extremely strange to you from God. Why would I ask for your help if I know all things and can do all things. It’s like a parent who loves to engage their child in projects and see the wonder of their joy expressed as they discover new things unknown before. New ways and places unnoticed as life was passing by. Some things are clear and others not. My purpose is to bring you more and more into My realm and sphere of life, My Kingdom all around you unseen, unveiled to your sight until I deem you ready for disclosure of all that I Am doing in your midst, right in front of your face, yet not known because your sight is dimmed by the world. Do you hear what I Am saying to you on this day?
I Am your God, your Father, yours! I have wonders yet unexplored by you. So many think they know everything about everything and haven’t got a clue. So many of My children ignore Me and think I don’t exist. They’ll know for sure one day but for now it comes through Mine along their journey. Your words and life are important to Me. I need you more than you can imagine to express Me to the world, to those who doubt that I care or that I could possibly be real since so much evil exists. Interesting that they equate evil with Me and yet call out to Me in their most difficult distress. Of course I know ahead of time that they will need Me and I’m always there ready and waiting and actually walking and leading them right into the moment of disclosure of who I Am to them. They will have opportunity to test Me and see that I Am real and alive and well and Who I have said that I Am. Many have called me antiquated, of no point, no use. Yet their very breath comes from Me. I Am the breath of life in their bodies and they will soon learn of that as they face their last breath and perceive that an end is near. Do you see what I will do? I lose no one who is Mine. I know alll hearts before they were formed within My own hands. Even those that chant against Me and call Me of no use to them. I keep them going, breathing, living, going about their business from their own point of view, though so puny as to think they know it all. How small and minute is man to Me and yet he is My focus. I seek him out and know what he will think. Yes many men and women too have fought to keep Me small. They make themselves of greater height almost like a child at play, who thinks they can’t be seen at all when covering up their head. Yet all those around can fully see the child and play along. It’s peek-a-boo a childish game, yet fun when they are small. However, as a grown adult it’s deadly at it’s best. I AM and I exist for sure. There’s nothing makes that change. Truth cannot be tampered with, it can’t be changed at whim. So man’s puny thoughts and lack of trust are only hurting him. The devil knows it, most don’t care.
They think him fake as well. A ferry tale, an evil beast diminished, a cartoon. I’ve won the fight and brought them back, the path to freedom’s set. But if you’re trapped and cannot see, you wouldn’t know the difference. This is the blindness of the world. The devil’s scheme for sure. To steal and make it sound farfetched that I could be for real! The lie was hatched on Eve at first and everyone since then. I came to set you free indeed, but you must walk with Me. There’s no one knows the way but Me and it’s My purpose, now come free. Come walk with Me and find yourself in the greatest adventure possible. I Am God and there is no end to what we’ll do together. It’s eternal what I started and will never have an end. Though it appears that men do die, it’s only an illusion. For all men and women, boys and girls are now eternal beings. They come on home to Me or await in darkness deep. I conquered death and dead men know. There’s truth in what I speak. I’ve called you Mine and love you all. I’m calling out to you. Come live with Me and dwell with Me and find you’re truly home. I make all things well and good and you will find this true. You can trust Me no matter what the case of sight in front of you. Come believe and see. There’s one true God and He is Me and I love you today. You’re Mine and I seek you and desire for you to know Me and help Me and work with Me here as we continue to perfect Father’s plans for all mankind. Your life can be more than you ever dreamed possible. I know because I made you and see what you can be. This is not defeat to surrender and become subject to your God and Lord and King. It is the greatest wisdom and I give it to all those who will come and hear Me and learn from Me and love Me and live and move and have their being with Me. COME!

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