May 29, 2012

I hear and know your thoughts anyway.  Why do you stress and fret and not come to ME?  I know why, do you?  You still think that you can solve things and issues that come against you without My help in the matter.  I AM God so why would you think you can do it your self.  See it is a child like thiing.  You grow up and then want no part of being needy as a child and yet I have already said that you must become like a little child in order to survive with Me, as I AM. I AM My Father’s child and as such I seek Him as My Father in all things.  I do not think that I AM able apart from HIM.  Do you see that we are ONE.  I declared it to you over and over and over again.  The Spirit makes us one, you and I and Father.  I know that you think you must be strong and dependent on no one for things that you must do and say and be.  It is the way of training among men, but not from Me.  I train My children to be dependent on Me, lean on Me, love Me, know ME, desire ME, be with Me, IN ME, as I AM!  Therefore, as you teach you lead astray to other sources of strength that will fail you over and over again, just like you have known and experienced.  STOP THIS NON-SENSE and come home to Me and be with ME.  I AM your GOD, your ALL, Your FATHER, your LORD, your MASTER, your FRINED, your BROTHER, your PROTECTOR, your PROVISION, your EVERYTHING in ONE!  I know that it seems redundant, but you do not get it so I say it over and over and over again.  COME!  Stay close to Me.  I have you and I know what you’re thinking.  Talk to Me and we will discuss these things and reason them out together in life freeing truth and joy and peace in ME.  I have all the answers and I AM ABLE to do all things for you, so trust in ME completely.  Don’t lean on what you see and think and feel.  It will trap you in lies of deception played out before your EYES to keep you in the dark of self and fears incapability to resuce you.  I AM your God and LORD and I have all the answers.  I WILL DO IT.  I have promised you.  You have seen it for your self.  My Tent was open to you and is still!  Come and live with Me.  Dwell in My tent and never be afraid again.  I AM the Almighty shelter of My PRESENCE over you, surrounding you, accompanying you as you are WITH ME.  I protect you in My shadow of light so magnificent that I render you invisible in ME.  COME and see that I speak truth to you at all times.  There is no lie in Me.  Come.  I love you and I have you.  I AM yours!  Be still and know that I AM your GOD.  COME.  Do not doubt Me.  Doubt comes from fear, lies.  Believe in ME!

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