June 12, 2012

GOOD MORNING!  It is you know.  Every day is a Good Day.  My view is completely different than yours, always, ALL WAYS!  I see things the way they really are.  You see them through the vantage point of your life’s view and it is skewed and distant and backwards from Mine.  I call you forth to Myself at all times and you drag your feet.  Your fears protect you from Me.  See!  I AM here but only as close as you will come to ME.  You hold back and determine that you must try harder when your trying is exactly what is coming between you and Me and all that I see and AM doing on your behalf.  Much is happening that you cannot see at all times and therefore, when you avoid and try to fix you literally place your SELF between you and Me and then you are blind to Me and what I’m up to for you.  It is always love on My part.  There is nothing else.  Do you see it?  Your SELF protection measures of trying so hard to stay safe, fix, explain, come from your pride.  Sounds funny doesn’t it.  PRIDE is what blocks you from seeing all truth.  Pride stands in front and connects you with SELF and not Me.  Pride must die out in order for you to be with Me and in Me as God living My life in the earth through you.  Pride creates the evil of SELF pity, rejection, loss, etc.  It becomes a weapon used against you to get you to defeat your SELF and you don’t even know it.  Pity parties are actually poison parties.  They keep you from Me and others and get you so SELF focused you cannot see or hear or feel or know anything different in that moment.  It must be defeated by looking away from SELF and to ME.  I AM your only TRUE source of life and health, protection, safety, ALL is in ME!  Come is always My call to My children.  I love you and I AM always calling to you to Come.  I AM your Father and My call is pure and SELF-LESS–ALL Love on your behalf, for you and those you love.  As you surrender all of you, your fears and desires to ME and let ME live My life in and through you and you in and through Me–we become ONE unit–ONE body and move at Father’s will to perform amazing wonders in the earth together.  A Joy you know and have experienced only with Me.  As you forget about your SELF and lean on ME, FATHER is ALL WAYS in charge of your life and those you love and caring for them.  It’s actually as you step away and let go, that MORE HELP and POWER and AUTHORITY than you could ever imagine goes forth on your behalf over all in your sphere of influence.  Yours are MINE!  I gave them to you.  You are MINE, I bought you back from slavery and death to My SELF and LIFE.  I love you so much more than you could ever imagine or comprehend in your limited understanding of all that goes on in the Universe and beyond man’s frame of understanding.  COME and be excited in ME.  I will strengthen your weak knees.  Bless. PRAY!  Believe!  I love you.  COME!

Categories: Uncategorized.

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