When God Speaks…

May 19, 2013

As a high school student back in the late 60’s I took typing and shorthand classes; which I still use every day of my life.  In the 1970’s I was the Promotion and Public Affairs Manager for an ABC Television Affiliate writing all the on air copy advertising the Network lineup and promotional materials for the station.  I’ve written numerous published articles for local newspapers, written poems as gifts for people, and journaled for over 40 years now.  I’m a wife, mom, and Nana working full time at a school.  I’ve been friends with Jesus my whole life.  However, the experiences of the past 16 years made me turn to Him for answers, comfort, strength, and courage.  We went through a time of restoration for our marriage, moved across state, our children all grew up and started families of their own.  During this time my journaling changed from just recording my words to listening to Him speak to me about everything.  He assured me that He was right there going through things with me and knew all about it.  He promised me answers and information as I was able to handle it on a daily basis.  It became the most exciting part of my day.  In December 2009 I was trying to think of what to get our children for Christmas and the Lord said, let’s write a devotional book for them for the coming year.  I came home from work the first night, got out my Bible and journal and thought that I was going to share some of my writings.  However, I heard the Lord speak out January 1 and kept going.  I was stunned.  I soon realized that He intended to give me the words for the book.  He literally spoke out the entire 365 days of the book.  Sometimes He would just say a word and wait for me to type it.  I think my favorite was March 5.  He just said, “Popcorn.”  I thought I was hearing things—I was.  I could almost sense His laughter.  He made popcorn—so spoke out the rest of the day as He wanted it.  There were times that my own thoughts would get mixed in and He would say, delete, that’s not what I said.  He kept me out of it.  There are others who have written similar books from their experience of listening, and it is sometimes amazing to see how our individual books dove tale on a given day.  Why not, He is God and knows all things and they’re His words, so He can do and say amazing things.  I printed the 7 copies of the book at our local university for Christmas gifts.  Then the Lord told me to print 100 copies to sell and give away.  As January of 2012 approached I was down to about 5 copies left and was praying about what was next.  The Lord provided funds and directed us to officially publish the book through Author House Publishing company where a friend of mine was an author.  The process started on January 19 and the book went to print by February 3, 2012.  It was a miracle.  The book will help you realize just how much God knows you, is not mad at you and desires to have a personal 24-7 relationship with you.  He’s not a crutch, but Creator of all that exists.  He has ALL the answers.  Jesus said He had much to share with us and His Spirit would teach and lead us.  He speaks night and day.  He never leaves us or forsakes us. He is the “I AM” and that means right here, right now.

He wants to spend time with us.  I love just sitting quiet with Him; which is amazing because all who know me, know that I’m task driven, busy.  He said, “My Sheep hear My voice and follow Me!”  Listening to Him has become so much fun.  The world says just Believe, well you better be sure you’re believing in the real deal.  HE IS.  Check Him out.  He will not let you down!  He loves you!

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