The writing process

May 27, 2013

The book was prompted out of Christmas gift frustration.  I was asking the Lord to show me what in the world to get our adult children for Christmas in 2009.  I heard the Lord say, “write a devotional book for them.”  I was excited and yet looked at the calendar, it was December 1.  It seemed a daunting task.  However, never underestimate the Lord’s ability to do what He desires.


I came home from work the first night, got my Bible and journal; sat down to write.  Amazingly, I heard “January 1” and the first sentence, “How many days are in the year?”  God began to speak out the whole day, and the next and so on.  I would come home from work sit down and He’d literally pick up right where we’d left off the night before.  I never opened my Bible or journal.  In fact sometimes I would get so caught up in what He was saying, that my own thoughts would get on the page.  He would immediately say, “delete, that’s not My words!”


He finished speaking out the book to me on December 15.  I sat back overwhelmed by His words; who He is. I knew His words were going to encourage my children’s hearts in the future.  His words were going to hit the mark on days of need He knew were coming.  He told me to print 7 at the local university copy center; one for each family member and a friend that He specifically named.  The book was originally called “My Sheep Hear My Voice And Follow Me” with the picture of a lamb on the front.  My friend took her copy as she headed south for Christmas.  She called saying, “I can’t lay it down, I just keep reading from one day to the next!”


In January of 2010 I heard Him say, “print 100 copies.  Sell them for $12 at the local gift shop; and most you’ll give away.  You will know what to do.  My friend called and confirmed this message from the Lord.  He’d told her to edit the book for typing errors as she read.  We made the corrections, printed the books, and anointed all 100 books with oil, asking Him to put them in the hands of His kids who needed to know He loves them.


The local store agreed to sell copies on consignment. However, most of the 100 books were given away over the next two years. On January 17, 2012 I was at home on a “Snow Day” from school.  He told me to call my friend who was already a published author and ask her how to get the book to print.  By January 19 I was in contact with Author House Publishing, and the book was going to print by Thursday, January 26.  On Sunday morning January 29 He woke me saying, “you have to change the title of the book—only those who already know Me will recognize it.”


I panicked. The book was already in process, BUT GOD knows all things so I didn’t argue with Him.  I told my husband and what he said next surprised us both.  He said, “I think the book should be called, ‘When God Speaks…He Says Amazing Things!”  I looked at him stunned.  I knew he had just spoken out the new title of the book.  I looked through the approved pictures for a new cover picture to go with the title.

The picture of a man reaching his arms up to heaven, grabbed my heart and still does.  It was how I felt too.  I showed 4 pictures to a friend that day and she immediately said, “this one.”  She had chosen the picture of the man!”


I called Author House Monday morning January 30 and they hadn’t sent the book to print.  God KNEW!  The name changes were made throughout the book and the cover redone.  The book went to print on February 2, exactly 17 days from the first phone call.  It still blows my mind, but with God all things are incredibly, supernaturally, possible.


My hope for the book is simply for people to discover God DOES love them.  To hear His voice for themselves and start their own journey of listening and recording what He tells them 24-7.  Jesus is the WAY, the truth, the life!  There’s no other way to the Father but through Him.  So get started.  Jesus came to get us out of bondage to ourselves and into abundant life with Him.  Believe, receive and hear Him.  He will speak to you. Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit love you!  They have all the answers and are waiting to share them with you.  Come home!

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