December 13, 2013

Do you see ME at all where you’re at?  Look around right now.  Do you see ME?  What are you looking for?  Who do you think that I AM?  I AM everywhere all around you, surrounding you with singing and dancing in My Kingdom realm that is all around you bigger than your own.  You can’t see with human eyes, but oh if I gave you spiritual sight right now you would fall before ME with love and understanding that I AM NEVER, EVER AWAY FROM YOU!  I hear your every cry, word, thought, cell noise.  YES, your very cells sing a song of DNA designed by Me–unique in the universe–yet singing just the same.  You are alive with the life of ME.  You live and move and have your being in ME.  You breathe because I give you breath today.  I form your heart in My own hands–check it out–Psalms 33:15.  I don’t speak lies–only TRUTH comes from ME because I AM ALL TRUTH.  There is no truth but ME.  Man thinks he makes it up as he goes.  He is nothing apart from ME.  I AM in all that exists and it was created for ME and by ME.  You are My child and  I love you with an everlasting love that would shake the earth if you felt the intensity of it for you right now.  You cannot stand under the full realization of who I AM and the weight of My love is all consuming fire to burn up all My enemies that harrass you and keep you troubled and tormented–not of ME.  Do you see Me yet!  Look at the people around you.  I AM there in them and with them–working on them too.  You are My workmanship–all of you.  I know who are MINE–every heart turned to ME and those still coming in time with My love and wooing.  Speak to them, as if speaking to ME.  You are!  That is why I said, as unto the least and when you did it unto them…it’s ME. You are seeing ME everywhere.  I made everything and so everything you see is My handiwork or comes from it as source.  Now you ask about the bad, the evil things that happen every day.  I can promise you that there is MY hand in all things protecting or preventing at some level you can’t see and know right now.  I AM in total control and the Government is upon My shoulders.  There is nothing that troubles Me or is out of schematic to My Great Plans of action.  I AM here and I AM coming soon for all eyes to behold My Glory.  TRUST Me new and fresh today.  ALL IS WELL!  Though you can’t see it or feel it–KNOW ITS TRUE!  I AM With you.  All I desire is YOU!  I desire to be loved by You.  I ask that you be with Me, spend time with Me, rest in Me, believe in ME!  Come and dine with Me and find that My food is beyond anything you’ve ever tasted for it will fill your spirit, soul and body!  I love you MY CHILD!

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