January 17, 2014

Do you ever think this?  No one asks for your opinion about things and you have much to say.  I AM GOD and this is happening to Me by My children 24-7.  I AM here.  I dwell with you have come in and you live in Me and you relegate Me to a sitting chair and leave Me there all day with no thought of “what I want to say to you!”  It is a common problem with parents as well, as children grow older and SELF grows bigger, parents are pushed further and further out of the picture, away, unnoticed, unneeded.  HOWEVER, that eliminates all the wisdom that may be there and even if none exists they need to know they’re loved and thought of.  I AM GOD and place this in the hearts because they are made in My image and I AM FATHER of all.  My heart longs for MY children to want Me, desire ME, LOVE ME!  However, few give Me the time of day.  I say all this to wake you up.  Time is short in My Kingdom here on earth from what you know and see right now.  I AM on the move and My chidlren need ME, My voice needs to be heard in all things.  I Alone have the plans and actions, paths, and ways charted for the course ahead.  I need to be heard for “What I WANT TO SAY TO YOU–THIS DAY!”  NOW is NOW and I have a word for NOW every moment–seek ME out and listen to ME first.  Yes I just blasted the sunshine light through the window at your face and blinded you while there.  Do you get it–ME call your attention back to US here wanting to guide and lead your day.  You do not need to stress and fret.  WE have the answers that you need.  Father, Son and Spirit-ONE with you in spirit.  WE are!  Come and be blessed and refreshed.  Sit!  Close your eyes for a moment and let ME Speak to you.  I have so much to say and I know what you are ready to hear.  I will not burden you but free you with the information suited to My placement of you in the earth.  I have placed you there, where you are for My reasons.  I AM preparing and equipping you to be ready for the coming storm of all storms to ride it out as My eagles, My champions, My Warriors, My children–must hear My voice, stay centered in ME–not SELF.  YES ME. I AM the WAY–the only way to survive the coming storm of My powerful Presence reigning and maintaining control over ALL MY CREATION.  It will seem otherwise, but those who listen will KNOW ME and KNOW EXACTLY what to do.  You are here to serve others and love ME.  Get ready!  ALL IS WELL.  COME!

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